
Hello everyone. My name is Celina and I found this site because I saw a friends posting on another site on her weight loss with myfitnesspal. I've tried a lot of ways to lose weight. Being five foot one inch tall, I have a very hard time keeping my weight down. I have a comfortable weight but I want to get past that. I'm doing this for me. My husband loves me just the way I am no matter what I weigh he still always says how beautiful I am. But with a history of Diabetes in my family and I was recently diagnosed with PCOS which can accelerate diabetes and inhibit weight loss so i'm really having to push my body to lose this weight. Now that we are finally starting to control my PCOS i'm hoping this will help me to lose the weight I need to feel better about myself and live and long and happy life. My ultimate goal is to be able to go on long bike rides with my husband and not be hindered by my weight. So please add me and i'll try to help as much as possible!
