
Hey MFP Family, I hope everyone is doing well and keeping up the good work. Well I'm here because I hit that point in my life where its time for change. But you can only make that change if you look deep within yourself and identify the flaw and dig it out so you can press forward to a better life. So with that said, I'm on a mission to lose 50lbs with all help I can get. I enjoy working out but I have to get that word "Lazy" out my vocabulary and replace it with "Determination". I have a lovely wife who is also new to the site and I want to be able to encourage her to push forward, but I have show and prove first and be that example that it can be done. I look forward to all the support and motivation.

Stay Strong, Positive, Healthy and most of all Stay Blessed MFP family.


  • good job! keep it up :)
  • Welcome! You will love this site. It has totally motivated me, and I am the total definition of lazy. LOL

    Good Luck to you and your wife.

    If you like, you can add me as a friend. =-.)
  • Hello All! First off let me say CONGRATS to everyone who is ready for change! With that said I am very excited to be starting this new way of life! Lots of things have happened in my life recently and well Im in need of a turnaround to boost my self esteem a little higher. I am the proud mother of 3 beautiful children! Mckenzie(7), Kenidy(2) and Johnny(6 months) As much as I love them dearly, they are the reason Im at the weight Im at. I never had a weight issue until I got pregnant with Mckenzie and while being pregnant-my eating habits completely flipped and I had no control, and it's been very difficult to take it off since then! After I had Kenidy, I started to run and I actually completed my first Half Marathon in under 3 hours! That was just over a year ago and since then I've had another baby and just lost motivation to keep running. So Im hoping with this website, I can start up again and get some well needed support from friends. And Im excited to return the favor to everyone here! Together we can accomplish greatness! LET THE LOSING BEGIN!!!!
  • Ceesmooth
    Ceesmooth Posts: 5 Member
    Good morning and thank you all for the support.
    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
    Hello and welcome to you both! Much success to you in reaching your goals. You're definitely in the right place for motivation and support!

    Feel free to add me...