bodyforlife/clean eating

Anyone who has done or knows about the logic behind bodyforlife or clean-eating in general: I would love some input as to how I am doing. I'm still in the learning process and although the challenge range is 12 weeks, this is a lifestyle change for me. So I know my meals are still no where close to perfect, some constructive criticism would be great.

Thanks :)


  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I followed BFL back about 10 years ago...and I lost a ton of weight and felt incredible. I added more cardio and my "rest day" usually included a nice long easy hike.

    I still roughly follow the eating plan (carb, protein, veggie etc)...and currently I'm doing the BFL strength workouts. I do my own variations for cardio.

    but the cardio for BFL is great too....I do it about once a week.

    I'd be happy to look at your diary, or you can check mine out.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    No real advice but very interested to hear others' repsonses. I'm on day 3 of 'clean eating' but making it up myself, no set plan.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    sorry...didn't answer all your questions.

    I think the theory behind it is that Bill is saying if you eat 6 small meals a day, this will help boost your metabolism and also not get too hungry and over-eat at any one meal (I know this will be debated and others don't agree...but just reciting what I think Bill was trying to intend).

    Also, different to MFP....the goal is to create a weekly deficit in cals, therefore you can have that cheat meal/day or whatever he calls it once a week.

    I was HARD CORE 10 years ago...and I splurged every saturday. not crazy...but i 'd have wings, beer, chips. I would just have whatever I felt like...but usually just at one meal (and maybe a snack). I lost about 70-80 lbs. So it does work.

    the workouts can get a little stale if you follow for too long, and the cardio can be hard on your body (all interval training) for long periods of time. It happened to me...lots of achilles issues...etc. not fun.

    but I think the overall book (the original) is a good light read and has some good basic nutrition info that gets some people going in the right direction.

    it's not for everyone though. and many people will debate the 6 meal logic etc.
  • bookdame
    I am also on day 3 of this, first I started with the eating plan and now I am going to be doing the workouts.

    I really like the 20 minute HIIT. I was slaving for 60 minute spin classes, its a nice change of pace, however I am a little concerned because on Strength days I know I'm going to be famished after a workout. MFP does not give you extra calories for strength training.

    I'm curious, I've seen the photos, heard success stories, I'm trying it out because whether or not it "works" in getting me to drop some weight, the balanced diet and small meals make sense, and as a hypoglycemic, this is the way I should be eating anyway (smaller meals, a number of snacks)...
  • thesweatybetty
    thesweatybetty Posts: 107 Member
    I am also on day 3 of this, first I started with the eating plan and now I am going to be doing the workouts.

    I really like the 20 minute HIIT. I was slaving for 60 minute spin classes, its a nice change of pace, however I am a little concerned because on Strength days I know I'm going to be famished after a workout. MFP does not give you extra calories for strength training.

    I'm curious, I've seen the photos, heard success stories, I'm trying it out because whether or not it "works" in getting me to drop some weight, the balanced diet and small meals make sense, and as a hypoglycemic, this is the way I should be eating anyway (smaller meals, a number of snacks)...

    under cardiovascular if you search 'strength training' you can add that and it will 'count' the calories you burned. i dont go by calories though, only worrying about carbs/protein/fat .. so even though i log, i dont base anything off my calories, rarely do i ever look at them.