I'm All Messed Up (Low Carb)



  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I completely understand your woes. I have not only IBS but I also have diverticlui. When it becomes full blown diverticulitus I have to take high dose antibiotics and either stay in bed or go to the hospital. I hate my colon. Before I knew what was wrong I was miserable. IBS comes in forms of constipation or diarhea. I have the latter. I have found there are certain food triggers that cause mine to act up, such as high amounts of diary, grease, and spicy food. Which sucks because I love all those things! I have been to so many doctors and they all have an opinion on what type of diet you should be on for the syndrome. I had one doctor that said "any diet you decide on will always have something in it that will irritate your colon" which I think is true. Like someone else said having fiber in your diet is essential. Whatever you decide to do, low carb, low fat, whatever just make sure you add some fiber into that. I really love the powder fiber I can add to my meals when cooking.
    I have noticed a huge difference since I just started eating better. The one day I had Pizza with my nephews I paid for that as well!
    As far as everyone telling you you look fine and you don't need to diet. They think they are right, but they have not lived in your shoes or tried on dresses with your body in a fitting room, or looked in the mirror at everything you would like to change. They just don't get how you feel. I get people saying that all the time, and it is especially aggrivating coming from my size 2 friend that has never had to diet or exercise a day in her life.
    I think you are amazing for wanting to change your life for the better. Good luck!
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    You'll be fine...eating carbs or "messing up" won't kill you. Just get back to the diet soon! Can I suggest getting some fiber from flaxseed? There's some great quick recipes for muffins on the Atkins Support Group thread. Good luck!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm tired of people telling me I've lost weight, they see it (but the scale doesn't) and then someone will turn around and criticize me for my eating habits or talking about weight loss because in "their opinion" I look good....whatever.
    I hate when people notice my weight loss. And I hate when people criticize my food choices. I mostly ignore them and silently tell them to *kitten* off. With a smile...
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Carbs kill. You just shortened your life span. Should have stuck to ONE slice. I'm sure people will miss you.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Sometimes it helps to simply get things off your chest. I suspect you will now move on with your nutrition plan and do great!
  • KeepItOff4Life
    Why are you doing low carb with IBS? Would a diet rich in fiber (ie carbs) be best to maintain digestive health? Low carb is not needed for weight loss, and teaches you nothing about eating a balanced diet and long term success.

    So many people who lose weight doing low carb gain all the weight back once they re-introduce carbs back into their diet.

    Low carb is a farce. It simply works by reducing water weight fluctuations and by eliminating or reducing 1/3 of the macro-nutrient tree.

    Hey, low carb is a lifestyle - not a diet.

    And yes, IBS sufferers do best when taking out the grain and bean carbs. People with IBS do best with a eating plan rich in fats, proteins, vegetables, fruit and sometimes nuts and seeds.

    I have IBS and my gut has healed since removing the grains and legumes.

    And if the carbs are re-introduced in the correct way there is NO weight gain. Most people that gain the weight back go whole hog on going back to their sugar filled and processed food eating ways.

    She didn't ask for anyone to come on this thread and preach to her about whether she needs low carb. She likes the lifestyle as stated in her second or third sentence. Geeesh, what works for you doesn't work for everyone so please give it a rest.

    LOL, I have IBS as well and eat carbs.. You mad? Oh, did I mention that my IBS symptoms have improved immensely since I lost weight? Like I said, some people think that low carbs are better for dieting. I was simply pointing out that low carb diets ARE NOT needed for weight loss (which is 100% correct), and the majority of low carb dieters gain their weight back once they re-introduce carbs (100% correct), and that low carbs are not metabolically advantageous over traditional carb filled diets. (again, 100% correct).

    So excuse me for awaring the OP about the science behind the magic of low carbs. ;)

    Also, for those complaining about carbs and weight fluctuation, it's completely normal. A gram of CHO causes your body to retain ~2g of water. People "think" they are sensitive to carbs simply do not understand the difference between fat gain and water weight fluctuation.

    I guess I should have added that my low carb consists of watching my net carbs...so I take in a great deal of fiber and water to help balance that out. I mostly cut out the breads, pasta, rice, and things of that nature. I'll eat a slice of bread every once in a while or a tortilla that gives me about 5-6 net carbs. The IBS symptoms have gotten better (not a whole whole lot) since I've cut out the "bad" carbs, and I don't miss it. I'm just working on finding what the other "triggers" are...
  • KeepItOff4Life
    I also wanted to add that you guys are freakin awesome, I mean the bad with the good. Yeah, I'm aware that a lot of people do not agree with the low carb lifestyle, but as someone else said, what works for some doesn't work for others and vice versa. You guys make me want to do better and get better. I really appreciate it. Thanks!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Why are you doing low carb with IBS? Would a diet rich in fiber (ie carbs) be best to maintain digestive health? Low carb is not needed for weight loss, and teaches you nothing about eating a balanced diet and long term success.

    So many people who lose weight doing low carb gain all the weight back once they re-introduce carbs back into their diet.

    Low carb is a farce. It simply works by reducing water weight fluctuations and by eliminating or reducing 1/3 of the macro-nutrient tree.

    Hey, low carb is a lifestyle - not a diet.

    And yes, IBS sufferers do best when taking out the grain and bean carbs. People with IBS do best with a eating plan rich in fats, proteins, vegetables, fruit and sometimes nuts and seeds.

    I have IBS and my gut has healed since removing the grains and legumes.

    And if the carbs are re-introduced in the correct way there is NO weight gain. Most people that gain the weight back go whole hog on going back to their sugar filled and processed food eating ways.

    She didn't ask for anyone to come on this thread and preach to her about whether she needs low carb. She likes the lifestyle as stated in her second or third sentence. Geeesh, what works for you doesn't work for everyone so please give it a rest.

    LOL, I have IBS as well and eat carbs.. You mad? Oh, did I mention that my IBS symptoms have improved immensely since I lost weight? Like I said, some people think that low carbs are better for dieting. I was simply pointing out that low carb diets ARE NOT needed for weight loss (which is 100% correct), and the majority of low carb dieters gain their weight back once they re-introduce carbs (100% correct), and that low carbs are not metabolically advantageous over traditional carb filled diets. (again, 100% correct).

    So excuse me for awaring the OP about the science behind the magic of low carbs. ;)

    Also, for those complaining about carbs and weight fluctuation, it's completely normal. A gram of CHO causes your body to retain ~2g of water. People "think" they are sensitive to carbs simply do not understand the difference between fat gain and water weight fluctuation.

    Edited............I refuse to stoop down and argue with you as I already pointed out the fallacies in your first post.

    And for your information, there are THOSE PEOPLE that ONLY lose with a controlled carb lifestyle - I am one of those people

    So as previously mentioned - how about you do what is best for YOU and I will do what is best for ME. Just keep in mind that everyone doesn't have to share your same views.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have been saying these same things. I am glad to see others that are being taught the same things.
    Do you usually try to be gluten free? I have heard from a reputable local functional medicine doctor a lot about gluten and its damaging effects on the colon. Not everyone is gluten intolerant, but gluten intolerance is a cause of IBS. Dairy is also inflammatory for many people.

    Here is an article from Dr. Mark Hyman about it.

    One paragraph in article:
    Gluten Sensitivity: One Cause, Many Diseases

    A review paper in The New England Journal of Medicine listed 55 "diseases" that can be caused by eating gluten. (iv) These include osteoporosis, irritable bowel disease, inflammatory bowel disease, anemia, cancer, fatigue, canker sores, (v) and rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and almost all other autoimmune diseases. Gluten is also linked to many psychiatric (vi) and neurological diseases, including anxiety, depression, (vii) schizophrenia, (viii) dementia, (ix) migraines, epilepsy, and neuropathy (nerve damage). (x) It has also been linked to autism.(ix)

    Dr. Hyman has a website with tons of free info although it does also promote his books and some supplements.

    Here's another article - if you scroll down to the part about cereals he talks about gluten and its toxic impact on the gut

    Good luck - hope you feel better soon!
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Carbs kill. You just shortened your life span. Should have stuck to ONE slice. I'm sure people will miss you.

  • krbzyf
    krbzyf Posts: 9 Member
    You are amazing to come here for your rant! Remember... you are human! We all fall down, but we get back up and live life!
    Life is what you make it and you know what works for you! Brush yourself off and get back at it! Good Luck :)