Parents of Both Boys *and* Girls...

MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
Which made you consider putting them up for sale on eBay more, your girl or boy?

I've heard predominately "girls" as a response to this more than "boys" -- so what say you, mommas and pappas of MFP? Which of your kids has driven you to the brink of insanity/hide in the closet with booze?


  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Most of the time it's my daughter, who will be 10 in a month. But don't discount my son, who'll be 7 in a few weeks. It really just depends on which one is sporting the major 'tude at a given moment. Although trips to the grocery store make me want to pretend I don't know them and look around angrily for their real parents...
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    kids on ebay? what's the starting bid? 99 cents?
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    My daughter, she is a hand full and a half. She is 16 now, if you only knew the things she has put me. Always has a bad attitude, boy freaking crazy, wears my clothes/shoes, drama, drama, drama always. I could go on forever.
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    my son no doubt about it at all and I would have kept putting him up until someone took pity on me
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Havent gotten to that point...allthings considerded though...My daughter has had my foot up her *kitten* already at the age of 15. My son, who is 5, and I, I am forecasting, will be going toe-to-toe fist-to-cuff when he turns 18. LOL
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    kids on ebay? what's the starting bid? 99 cents?

    I don't think you're allowed to sell living things on eBay. Maybe try craigslist?
  • p0stdramatic
    Definitely my girl. She's 14. Boys are physically exhausting. Girls are emotionally exhausting. A good night's sleep will fix physical exhaustion. Every time I see someone with a bunch of little girls, I think "oh lord, they have no idea what's coming for them in a few years." I love her, but it's REALLY hard to like her lately.

    My son is 8 and still an angel. For now.
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    My daughter too, her gob is actually bigger than she is. she is 11 but has always been about 30 years too far on.:grumble:
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    My 6 year old has been close several times... and with his blonde hair and blue eyes I might be able to turn a profit on him!
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I wouldn't know. I have two boys and I intend on selling them to gypsies, so that they can be trained to pick pocket and run roofing scams. Job training is very important in a bad economy.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    My son. He is a little terror like the world has never seen before. Though, I have a feeling that in 10 years, he'll be the easy kid, and my daughter will be the difficult one.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member

    I love them both dearly.

    But my daughter would be returned within a week for probably telling the person who purchased her that "her house wasn't very nice, she wanted a doggy, she wanted some money, she is ALLERGIC to corn YOU DON"T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS"

    My son would be returned after he didn't want to change the same pair of cars underpants he prefers to wear, or the first time he soiled such underpants, staring at the wet spot blankly.

    I drank more than I ever did while my daughter was teething.
  • p0stdramatic
    My daughter, she is a hand full and a half. She is 16 now, if you only knew the things she has put me. Always has a bad attitude, boy freaking crazy, wears my clothes/shoes, drama, drama, drama always. I could go on forever.

    God help us both. This ^

    Anything and everything that is mine, she helps herself to. Drives me infreakingsane.
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    My son (15) - his personality is too similar to mine whereas my 18-year old daughter has my hubby's personality and sense of humor.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    Hilariously scary replies. Mine has made me realize PMS starts at 18 months (she's 4 now). I weep for the future.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Up until 6 months ago, I'd have to say my son (who turned 19 in June), but now he is the easy one. My just-turned-16 year old daughter is now the one giving me gray hairs on a daily basis...I guess they had a talk and decided it was time to switch things up on me so I wouldn't get bored :)
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I wouldn't know. I have two boys and I intend on selling them to gypsies, so that they can be trained to pick pocket and run roofing scams. Job training is very important in a bad economy.


    from the time my daughter was two weeks old I'd say "come on, if you can't stop this I'm going to sell you to the gypsies"
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    Not a parent, but I have 3 younger brothers. You can have them all.

    Honestly though, if I was my mom I'd probably sell me. Knowing how I grew up, I never want a daughter.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    My daughter would be the one that has tried my patience the most and pushed me the furthest by far. She is the youngest and the only girl, so I don't know how much those factors affect things.

    And Q, they do not allow you to put your kids up for sale on ebay. Tried it, got some interesting responses about how it was "illegal" and a bunch of stuff on the moral outrage of "human trafficking" and what kind of monster am I. You know, typical MFP responses. I am drafting long term lease agreements though...
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    kids on ebay? what's the starting bid? 99 cents?

    I don't think you're allowed to sell living things on eBay. Maybe try craigslist?

    you could probably put them in the "pets" section and negotiate a "re-homing fee"