Want to lose 2 dress sizes before new years ...

I'm trying to go from a size 16 to a size 12 before new years, maybe even to a size 10! I've tried losing weight so many times and have failed everytime. Anyone have any good words of encouragement or tips to help me stay on track? Thanks!! :smile:


  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    The only thing I can say is when you fall off the wagon, get up and get back on! That's what I do...Take one day at a time and start by making small changes. Slow and steady wins the race... The main thing is to just not give up! You have to want it bad enough to keep on going... You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    Er, probably not what you wanna hear but, slow down? People on here have lost 30lbs and still havent dropped a size, Ive lost 11lbs in 5 weeks and lost one size.

    I would say aim for one dress size. Anything else would be a bonus. If you lose weight that quickly you may do more harm than good.

    Just keep watching the cals and exercise lightly and you should do fine! :)

    Good luck.
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    Set realistic goals for yourself and you can do anything that you put your mind to. Mini goals work well. Try 5 - 10 pound increments by certain dates!
  • daram05
    daram05 Posts: 80
    If you're not afraid of water, water aerobics is AWESOME. Alone in a month and a half, I have lost four inches in my waist from it. Its GREAT cardio and burns a lot of calories at once and works almost every muscle in the body at the same time.

    Secondly, if you can, you may want to increase your cardio. One of my previous trainers advised me to increase cardio and activity that works the legs. He stated that as the body is flowing and starting to take the fat out of the body, it will target there first. As fat begins to diminish, it will take it from other places and the first is your stomach. When I started my journey in January, that is all I did...NOTHING but CARDIO. In three months, I no longer had a gut and I lost 20lbs...strictly based off of cardio/aerobic exercises.

    Lastly, drink lots of water to flush your system. If you already do, try some form of body cleanse to try and rid any toxins that may be locked in your mid-section. I tried a 24-hour lemon water fast (yes, this is a full day of drinking nothing but straight fresh-squeezed lemon water) and it helped immensely.

    I hope these help and best of luck towards reaching your goal :smile:
  • KateMossThighs
    KateMossThighs Posts: 3 Member
    I am about a 16 too and would love to get to 12 for new year. I know it is a tough goal and my 2 slices of coffee cake and McFlurry today maybe mean I am not heading in the right direction, but have made me realise it is gonna require 100% commitment.
    I have decided that I am just going to have to give up all "crap" food; chocolate, ice cream cakes, biscuits etc. no matter what exercise I do to justify it. My friend did this and she was a 14 ish and is now a size 10 and looks fantastic. She just said that even though she runs and cycles she just had to except the fact she cant eat what she wants and had to cut out all junk completely. I think once you have come to terms with that the pounds just drop off. So I am going for it from tomorrow. Hope you get on well whatever your plan of attack is :smile:
  • jfarn422
    jfarn422 Posts: 10 Member
    My sister and I have been using this tactic (she started eating better 6months ago, I started 6 days ago hahah):

    If there is food on your plate and you're tempted to eat it (even though you will be over your calorie count or too full)----
    something that can stop you is to visualize that food as something terrible that you hate to eat.--- she thinks of canned tuna.
    If what was left over on that plate was canned tuna would I eat it? No WAY (now I know I am full and I don't need that food)
    She then contiues to think of the smell, the taste of tuna and continues to realize it's not worth it.

    I put a little bit of water on the left over food and cover it with my napkin so that I am not tempted to pick at it.

    It is working for us so far! Give it a try if you want....
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    i've lost 20 lbs and still am a 16 -- GGRRR!! so yes, i'm sorry, but i would say evaluate what your ultimate goal is. if new years is your ultimate goal- then i'm pretty sure you can reach your goal or get close.

    my goal is to drop the weight EXTREMELY SLOWLY in an effort to keep it off, and i'm succeeding. i've lost 20 lbs in about 6 months. and i'm keeping it off. i feel great- have tons of energy and i realized that those goals like-- so many dress sizes by this date, or this many lbs by my birthday--- was not working for me.

    so moral of the story- evaluate your goals, evaluate how you personally stay motivated and adjust your actions accordingly. you'll get to where you want to be.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Your best bet is to combine exercise with your eating plan. Focus on getting fit and toned as well as losing weight. Even if you don't go down 2 dress sizes you will look great if you have been working out because you will have toned those muscles so that you look more shapely. You also stand more chance of losing inches if you work out. You might find the scales aren't going down as much as you would like but the exercise should help to shrink your measurements. Try a combination of cardio and strength training. I find circuit training works well for me. I have been doing Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred". It's about 25mins a day, preferably 5 days a week. It is hard but as it's only 25 mins it is do-able and you'll see results quite quickly. Do what works for you but I definitely recommend some form of cardio and strength training.

    Good luck with your goal :happy:
  • KateMossThighs
    KateMossThighs Posts: 3 Member
    What if there isn't anything you hate to eat? :laugh: