Low sodium/carb meals?

I have over 700 calories left to eat today and looking for ideas on what to have to eat tonight. I haven't got much sodium or carbs left (123mg and 5g carbs) - don't mind going over on them slightly but preferably not by much. Plenty of fat and protein left though so those don't matter.
I also have meat in the house (chicken&beef) if anyone has any ideas of things to add to that to spice it up a bit/ make a meal. Usually have a cheese omelette in the evening when the carbs have gone, but that (mainly the cheese) sends the sodium up, so if anyone has any alternative egg recipes also I'd love to hear :)


  • slyvers
    I like making lettuce wraps when I have little carbs / sodium left. They are essentially an inverted salad, but it gets you plenty of veggies and meat protein/fat without all the carbs sodium.
    I also like how flexible they are. pick a meat. Cook/season it to your liking. Pick some veggies you like to top it off with. You have a meal!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions :)

    Going to combine parts of a few different recipes from the site, along with lettuce for a bit of a chicken/lettuce wrap :D