How much do you eat and work out?



  • BrittaneyHG
    BrittaneyHG Posts: 98 Member
    mfp is saying eat 1200 IF you are not working out.
    Say you burn 200 then you CAN eat 200 and still loose weight.

    3500 make one pound so 200x5 is 1000 burnt.
    that means you have to cut 2500 from your week to loose just one pound!!!

    My advise is push yourself to burn 400 a day!!!!
  • Rainbow011
    Rainbow011 Posts: 61 Member
    All this calorie talk is confusing. I just try to stick to 1200 when I don't workout. If I do exercise then I'll eat more, but try to stay close to 1200. That works for me. I couldn't imagine eating 2500 cals even if I wasn't trying to lose weight.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I try to net to 1200 calories and workout 5-6 days a week. Sometimes I just can't eat back my calories, sometimes I can :)