Would you take advice from a professional trainer if he/she



  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    If they had the education and knowledge to be in fantastic shape, I'd question the reasons they aren't.

    Pushing me to my limits while you can't do the same for yourself?

    It'd be like me tellin a pirate how to hunt for treasure.

    Too horny for me.
  • shannon877
    shannon877 Posts: 55 Member
    Actually, whether they are ripped or pudgy makes no difference to me. Their knowledge of the skills that they are teaching, their ability to motivate me, and the expertise in recognizing if I am correct/incorrect is WAY more important than what their body looks like.

    I prefer to look at slightly pudgy men, so it's actually a win/win.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    It totally depends. I think if was an older guy/girl that was a little bit overweight I'd probably be OK with it given they knew what they are talking about.

    To be fair, I'd be unlikely to take nutrition advice from most trainers, no matter what they look like because I've encountered trainers that don't know jack about nutrition. It would also depend on background.

    If they were a competition level lifter in their prime, they'd probably still know good form and how to train, even if they don't practice it themselves. Or if they have a degree in a related field. The problem is that for most certifications you don't have to have any formal training so there really are no standards. You can get a great trainer who knows how to train in the gym and knows nutrition or you can get one that knows far less than a trainer should.

    So, i would say it wouldn't automatically disqualify them, IMO, unless they have no background to support them.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    It would depend. You don't know their back story. Is he/she overweight because they used to be morbidly obese and still have a little to lose? Are he/she overweight because they used to be fit but now don't workout or eat right? I need more info before I can decide if I would listen to them.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Qualifications, track record as a trainer and results achieved by past clients.

    There, I thought someone should mention these things.

    Oh, and they have be tanned, skinny, use lots of product in their hair and have at least three buzz words in every sentence.
  • livnlite
    livnlite Posts: 520
    That depends on the person. I've met trainers who were complete egotistical airheads. They studied and passed a written test and maybe even a practical exam .. but have no social skills at all. They can almost be abusive in how they treat people who are struggling. The two I've personally met .. aren't trainers any more .. They just weren't cut out for dealing with people.

    So, to answer the question .. I don't think I would negate someones ability to 'train' due to their being overweight. I've used to know a lady who was an awesome trainer .. She gained a lot of weight when she was pregnant, but it didn't stop her from continuing on teaching classes.