Vanity sizing?? Do we like it or not?



  • PinkAndSparkle
    I find it infuriating. I think I'm around a 4/6, but sometimes a 0/2, or sometimes a 6/8. And in dresses, a whole different story.
    I MOSTLY hate when a single brand is inconsistent. At the Gap, I'm usually a 2...but recently tried on a pair of jeans and couldn't get them over my thighs. Or I have a pair of dress pants from BCBG that are a 4, and another pair that are the same style in a 2 and they fit the same way.
    When I was in Europe a few summers ago, everything was teensy...even the jewelry! I wanted a ring at this little jewelery store and he had to dig out all his drawers to find one that fits me...I wear a 6.5 which is totally standard in the states.
    UGH Being a girl is so frustrating sometimes :(
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I don't like it at all for all of the reasons already listed. I just wanted to add one more story...

    My sister-in-law is currently losing weight. She bragged about wearing a size 12 that was "falling off of her" without a belt. Which is all great and wonderful...except for the fact that her waist is AT LEAST 6 inches bigger than mine, not to mention her huge butt and hips (no, I am not making fun...) and I was wearing a size 10 while she said that. So, she can wear a size 10 now, even though she's around 50 pounds heavier than I am and much wider in the lower body??? And I'm still in a 10 trying to lose weight...hmmm???

    It just doesn't make sense. I'm glad she's feeling good about herself and losing weight. Yay for her! But then there's me that can't possibly wear the same size as her, but yet...I do wear the same size??? I guess I should go shopping, huh??? I wonder what crazy small size my 38 inch hips would squeeze into these days?