Tabata Drills

Anyone know of any good dvd's with tabata drills. I purchased Amy Dixon's go breathless and do it at least 1 time aweek and I am looking for another if there are other dvd's like this. Just looking for info....Love it! I think it is almost more difficult than jillian-at least in a different way:)


  • Melatonin
    Melatonin Posts: 156 Member

    She has some great ones online you can watch and follow in real time
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    Looks similar to Chalene's Turbo Jam type routines
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    Looks similar to Chalene's Turbo Jam type routines
    oh not at all. you do a drill such as jumping jacks(3 levels) and then do it for 20 seconds hardcore. Stop rest for 10 sec and repeat for 10 reps. There are 10 different drills. Very challenging. I like turbo jam but find that to be less intense and more of a dance type workout.