Why do people do this?

I see so many threads about people who want to stop drinking diet soda, or who have stopped drinking diet soda because it's so bad for you. I mainly hear that they then begin drinking Crystal Light. My question is, what's the benefit to Crystal Light over diet soda? They're both loaded with chemicals like aspartame. I struggle with staying away from diet soda myself, so I'm just trying to understand why Crystal Light is better?


  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I haven't been in this situation myself since I'm not much of a soda drinker but I imagine it's like tapering yourself off... I think they're drinking diet soda instead of water beacuse they don't "like" (which i don't understand..) the taste of water. As a result the flavor the water with crytal light since it tastes good and you'd still be getting the water in. yeah it's full of chemicals but it's better than diet coke erroding your teeth. I think it's just a wimpy step off of soda... lesser of two evils I supposed since they don't "like" water... I don't quite get it either. just drink water!!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    the naturals line isn't full of that stuff apparently... and Stevia is a plant I grow in my herb garden, nothing artificial there in my eyes, but yeah its just a 6 of one half dozen of the other having the aspartame / sorbitol etc from crystal light (or similar flavour sticks) and from diet soda.
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    well I know that any kind of soda will expand your stomach and let more food in, so maybe that's why
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    It's really not- they may have it in their minds that the carbonation is where the problem lies, but they would be wrong. I would stick to water or unsweetened tea :D
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    it isn't, when you compare diet coke with Crystal Light, but also the carbonation is not really good for your body and without diet on sodas the sugar is too high. Best is really plain water or finding a water that is without sweeteners.
  • I haven't been in this situation myself since I'm not much of a soda drinker but I imagine it's like tapering yourself off... I think they're drinking diet soda instead of water because they don't "like" (which i don't understand..) the taste of water. As a result the flavor the water with crytal light since it tastes good and you'd still be getting the water in. yeah it's full of chemicals but it's better than diet coke erroding your teeth. I think it's just a wimpy step off of soda... lesser of two evils I supposed since they don't "like" water... I don't quite get it either. just drink water!!

    Some people don't like the taste of some stuff. I would imagine that someone who doesn't like the taste of water would wonder how you could like it. People have different tastes. Water is especially dull and flat tasting when you've had sugary stuff for so long.
  • ReneeGruen
    ReneeGruen Posts: 1 Member
    Have you tried Crystal light pure? Has no artificial flavors nor preservatives. It's sweetened with sugar and truvia. Much better for you.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    There are only 2 things I can thank my ex-husband for, and one of them is getting me started drinking water about 15 years ago.

    When we got married he brought his water cooler stand and a giant jug for it that he would refill at the grocery store. I actually hardly drank anything back then, aside from coffee, or a sip of milk here and there. (I did not work out much then, but when I did, the extent of my water-drinking was a sip out of the fountain).

    He would pour us both a large glass of water with every meal (interestingly, he would also drink diet mountain dew, but I hated that, and thankfully never started). Having the cooler in the house made the water always available and somehow I just started drinking it more and wanting it more. Now I can't imagine my life without lots of water every day.

    To this day, my only other beverage is coffee . . .
  • vdavis_89
    vdavis_89 Posts: 334
    I'm just not a fan of soda. I really hate water so I do used to add things to add flavor, light crystal light or the knock off brand lol both soda and the flavor things can start to get pricey in my book so I have started to just suck it up and deal with water. Everyonce in a while though I'll have a sip of my hubby's soda or tea. But really water is the better for you.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Herd mentality sparked by internet rumors with no base to balance on. There are no conclusive repeatable studies that have condemned diet soda or artificial sweeteners. With an exception for those who have allergic reactions or sensitives which do not accurately represent the majority of the human population, diet soda and / or crystal light are perfectly safe when consumed in moderation.

    Diet soda, in my experience, does not hinder weight loss. I drink 1 diet soda per day. I am perfectly healthy (just had my physical) and after losing my 50 lbs of baby weight am 120 lbs on a 5'5'" frame. Drinking 0 calorie soda instead of 150 calorie sodas definitely helped with that.
  • Do not drink soda - we have wonderful spring water and I alkalize it because I am into the alkaline body thing - that cancer does not survive in an alkaline environment. It tastes great and I keep it refrigerated. Maybe I will add a fresh lemon slice, but mostly drink it straight. Lots of evidence out there that aspartame is very bad for people. Of course, so are so many other things that caused us to be overweight. We are striving to dump those habits (chips, sweets, pastries, whatever), so why not go all the way and delete "diet" soda? Plus, I heard they allow a certain percentage of rat parts in it. Yuck.
  • I don't think crystal light is much better for you (I used to consume an uncanny amount, but gave it up along with everything else artificial), but it does have a curious side effect of curbing your appetite, so perhaps this is part of the trend, or why people get "hooked" on the crystal light ......Also crystal light is caffeine free, so better then diet coke in that sense.