Anyone know any fun work-outs?!

I get pretty bored working out, and was wondering if anyone knew some fun, effective work-outs! I occasionally do Zumba at my college, but can only attend certain class times due to my schedule.

Any ideas anyone has would be wonderful!! :)


  • chrissaucier
    chrissaucier Posts: 271 Member
    right now I'm a big fan of tae bo and turbo jam, both give great cardio workouts1
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Turbo Jam is awesome! If you like to dance, there is some workouts by Billy Blanks Jr. They seem kinda fun. :)
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I just started the Wii Active 2! It's awesome! And found it online for less than $20!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,041 Member
    Any kind of dancing. :smile:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    I have to agree with those who say Turbo Jam. The music is catchy and it's a combo of dance, kickboxing, and martial arts. Good luck in your search!
  • AloyMomNwife
    AloyMomNwife Posts: 146 Member
    Workout + fun... I'm not there yet. I still do not enjoy my workouts even though they make me feel great. But once they start I can't wait to finish :grumble:
  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    TurboFire all the way!!!!!! =D
  • grandmawantstolose
    grandmawantstolose Posts: 46 Member
    Dating myself a little here, but I still like doing Sweating to the Oldies!!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Video games. I like things like Dance Dance Revolution and Wii Sports, that get you moving and are fun so you don't really feel like you're doing a work-out. They can still burn a lot of calories though.

    I also bike whenever I want or need to go somewhere. I really enjoy it.
  • cindybickler
    cindybickler Posts: 113 Member
    Turbo jam and TurboFire!!!!! Love them they are so much fun. It is the first program I have ever stuck to. I have been doing them for 10 months now and I am on round two of TurboFire and I have lost over 40 lbs. Chalene is very inspiring. I do this for me not the number on the scale. and since I started thinking that way the the more weight i have lost not obsessing about it. it is just a new way of life!!! :smile:
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    I have Golds Gym cardio dance! Its so fun but it makes you sweat!