how often do you weigh yourself



  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I weigh myself once a week on Saturday morning.

    Me too!
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    Everyday! Keeps me in check :)
  • Andiarena
    Daily!!! I only record my weight on Sundays though. Twice I've postponed my Sunday weigh in to Monday, but thats it. I find it helps me stay focused. If its high one day, then I know what I need to focus on that day and get my act together. If its low it gives me extra motivation to stay on track. AND, if on Sunday my weigh in day it doesn't show a loss, I at least know where I was all week, so it makes it easier to deal with. Its like what a couple other people said about using it for compiling data. Good luck to you whatever you decide to do!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Several times a day . . . is there a problem with that? LOL

    But seriously, I weigh whenever I want to. I appreciate the feedback. I like knowing how much I weigh with clothes, without, before a workout, after a workout, after dinner, before bed, in the morning (early), in the morning (after I sleep in). I like knowing how much I gain with my cylcle and when I go out to eat and have too much sodium, etc. It is all educational to me. I've learned that everyone has a weight range (in my case about 4 lbs).

    I won't keep this up but I love the data. It makes me feel empowered.

    What I've learned is that the scale goes up and down and all around and it is all good. It all pays off in the long run.

    Also, I have a very accurate scale and it is a lot of fun because it measures body fat % and muscle and water %. I can see if I gain muscle and lose fat.

    Okay, I admit, my scale is my toy.

    I realize others don't feel this way. That's okay with me!