Coffee and Weight Loss



  • sexyminxinthemaking
    sexyminxinthemaking Posts: 451 Member
    i love coffee but its gotta have milk and sugar in it (oopps) but i just save some calories for it :)
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    If I had to give up my morning latte to lose weight I wouldn't bother losing weight.

    I hear ya!!!!! I LOVE my morning latte!!. If I want something later in the day, I then use espresso, hot water and truvia. But I live for my creamy non fat vanilla/caramel latte when I wake up.

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  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I drink 16 ounces of coffee from my Keurig with 2 packets of Stevia every day. I don't get my espresso drinks very often because they're just darned expensive and out of my way now that we've moved.
  • debswebby
    debswebby Posts: 326
    In the 70's blck coffee was considered a "can't do without" diet aid - along with cigarettes and slimming pills. Hmmmmm times have changed a little. But the coffee is still ok :drinker:
  • Alwaysonadiet54
    Alwaysonadiet54 Posts: 39 Member
    I love my 2-3 mugs of coffee in the morning. I will not give them up and count every calorie in them. One of my favorites is International Delight skinny caramel macchiatto cream. I keep hearing the adds for the Pumpkin coffee at DD and considering getting a cup. Sounds delish!
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    OHH I love my coffee, I need it to function lol.. I drink my expresso black or I have Manhattan special sugar free expresso soda delivered to my house from NY.. for my drip coffee I just drink it straight with sugar free coffee mate vanilla creamer :)
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    One 12oz mug of black coffee per day. Espresso only when I go to a nice restaurant.
  • caiconCristi
    caiconCristi Posts: 255 Member
    Check my diary. Coffee almost every day, usually 2-3 cups. Improved my rate of melting off extra pounds when I traded the milk for grass fed Heavy Whipping Cream or Coconut Cream. For sweetener I traded up from boring old sugar to raw local honey as a first step. Then I conquered the carbs in honey by reducing the amount slowly over my journey. Now I routinely use nothing or Vanilla Liquid Stevia.

    Try this improved gourmet coffee drink that burns fat, builds muscle and supplies lots of MCFAs (medium chain fatty acids, belly fat melters).

    First, sorry I have no pics.

    Second, I've finally invented the Perfectly Paleo Pumpkin Spice Coffee Drink. I cannot call it a latte because there isn't any cow milk. I cannot call it a breve because there isn't any half and half or even my beloved grass fed heavy whipping cream.

    Third, here's the recipe:

    1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
    1 teaspoon Cloves
    1 teaspoon Ginger
    1/4 teaspoon fresh grated nutmeg
    French Market, CDM or Community Coffee & Chicory (all of these brands make "Coffee & Chicory", don't get 'pure' coffee by mistake, you'll be disappointed. They are each available online, at any grocery store in New Orleans or at your local Asian market. Look in the Vietnamese section.)

    Combine in your coffee basket by putting the spices in first and then covering with 1 Tablespoon or more Coffee and Chicory for each 6 ounce "cup" of coffee in your drip coffee maker.

    Per mug:

    1 strong cup (or mug or vat) of above spiced New Orleans Style Coffee & Chicory

    1/4 cup (or 2 Tablespoons) of Organic Canned Pumpkin (not pie mix, just pumpkin)

    2-4 ounces (4-8 Tablespoons) of Coconut Cream (not coconut milk which has more water) If you add the pumpkin first and then the hot coffee, saving the coconut cream for last, you'll know the amount is right because of the color of your coffee will clue you in.

    Allow coconut cream and pumpkin to come to room temperature while you wash last night's paleo dishes (oops), boil water and make a fresh pot of spicy coffee & chicory. Winter is coming soon so maybe split a few logs for your caveman fire later in December or January.

    Pre-warm your favorite coffee mug with boiling water. Dump water into sink or throw at something dirty to save effort later. If throwing at dirty cavekid or grokling, avoid eyes. Add room temperature pumpkin to hot but empty mug. Add hot spiced coffee & chicory. Stir, whisk or blend with immersion (stick) blender. If your mug is not cavewoman or caveman sized, expect to feel less than groksome when you burn yourself with hot coffee. Add room temperature coconut cream by the Tablespoon or ounce so that you know how much you added and can dutifully track accurately on MFP later. Stir throughly without re-burning your fingers. Tell them they can have some paleo aloe later.

    Do not add sweetener. Taste it already! You may find that it is just perfect the way it is. If you must sweeten after getting a grok-sized glug, use real food. Sweeten with liquid vanilla stevia (works like magic on me and my 6 year old), raw local honey but only a fraction of a teaspoon or else you'll drown out the subtle sweetness of the coconut cream and the pumpkin's fragrance.

    Do not whine to me when you have pleased your primal palate so well that you can no longer read "Pumpkin Spice Latte" on all the coffee signs around town without harrumphing that you wouldn't bother after tasting the *REAL* food version. It's not my fault. I didn't hold a large club over your head and make you try it.

    Have a great Fall and don't avoid your seasonal goodies like special espresso drinks, just transform them from mundane, chemical loaded cr*p to works of gastronomical art that also build muscle, burn excess fat and heal our brains and bodies.

    I had no idea they had flavored Stevia. I just ordered the vanilla and toffee. I looked at the reviews and most of them were positive. A few complained that it was bitter or did not have enough flavor. What is your opinion? I ordered the Sweet leaf brand?
  • shazzamax11
    I have a cup of coffee each morning with semi skimmed milk. During the day I tend to drink tea.........but once or twice a week I indulge in a skinny latte (which is heaven). Everything is ok in moderation I think, obviously drinking full fat coffee every day more than once a day wont help with the weight loss.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I drink a pot of black coffee every day :]

    ^^^ This. Unless I have exams to study for or a major deadline at work. Then it's two pots. :drinker:

    oh goodness you are my twin then xD
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    Caffine triggers hormones that CAN help weightloss.
    POSSIBLE ways:
    - Appetite reduction
    - Calorie burning
    - Water loss
  • calamitydown
    i totally understand some people on here not wanting to give up the extra calories for an espresso drink, but does anyone who does drink them on a semi-regular to regular basis notice that they kind of fill you up? i can drink one 12 oz coffee and have it last me a few hours at least...must be the protein in the skim milk! :)
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I teach math to 8th as an absolute necessity, I guzzle tons of strong black coffee most mornings. Sometimes on the weekend, I'll put real cream...but no sugar. I'm a low carber so I don't put sugar or even artificial sweeteners. Just not a huge fan of sweet. I try to balance out the morning coffee binges with tons of water and herbal tea throughout the remainder of the day.
  • themeds1
    I drink coffee/tea like no body's business, my grandma used to gimme some of her tea in my lil sippy cup when i was a baby cause i liked the taste..makes me glad i didn't fancy the feel of smoking as well (excuse the bad joke) naturally i grew up loving it..which is odd seeming as i was breast fed as well and all i could remember is the taste of tea..anyway i've been on a weight loss journey for god knows how long now..and not once have i for a second doubted my level of caffeine intake..

    and im sure i certainly over do it..i sometimes have 5 to 6 cups o'coffee or tea a day, and up until 2 weeks ago i used refined sugar..i only changed to a sweetner when i found out i could get the same taste for like a fraction of the calories..but i used to have tea with skimmed milk ( i grew up on skimmed milk so am used to it) and 2 teaspoons of sugar..and it never hindered my progress..

    Enjoy your caffeine..we eat right and exercise..we deserve a lil sommen sommen.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Can I please make a suggestion to any mocha lovers out there?

    Buy a low fat/low calorie chocolate drink sachet....pour into a mug.....make a paste by adding a shot or two of skim milk......then pour in hot black coffee (or a teaspoon of instant coffee + boiling water) and's gorgeous.

    I have one a day and it comes to roughly 80 calories and 2g fat.

    It satisfies chocolate cravings as well :)
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I drink at least 2 - 3 cups per day with coconut milk & splenda.
    (I ordered stevia, which arrived today and I'm afraid I don't like the bitter aftertaste.)

    eta: I find it fills me up because of the coconut milk ... 1/4 c per mug of coffee.
  • Ashbee1224
    Starbucks VIA's-the instant lil' coffees are Ahhhmazing! & I use sugar free hazelnut coffeemate creamer, it's not a bad alternative :)
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I don't think coffee even with a bit of cream is that bad calorie-wise.

    Lattes on the other hand, can get spendie in the calorie column.
  • calamitydown
    I love my lattes and mochas way too much to give them up. The ones I make are not too bad calorie wise, usually less than soda :) then again, I only use skim milk and put more coffee than caramel sauce. Can't stand drip coffee or anything with artificial sweetener, blech!
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    i totally understand some people on here not wanting to give up the extra calories for an espresso drink, but does anyone who does drink them on a semi-regular to regular basis notice that they kind of fill you up? i can drink one 12 oz coffee and have it last me a few hours at least...must be the protein in the skim milk! :)

    The first thing I do when I get to uni every day is order a jumbo skinny latte. It fills me up til lunch time and has lots of calcium, which is vital to fat loss. I quite often have a latte with my breakfast too. Actually, I quite often only have a latte for breakfast. Love, love, love coffee and it's never affected my weight loss - in fact, the two weeks I tried giving it up, I lost less because I snacked more. As long as it's fitting in to your calories, no need to feel guilty about it, there are way worse weight loss vices out there!