Need some help regarding PCOS

Hey All,

I have been off the radar for quite sometime. I feel overwhelmed with so many health issues going on lately. PCOS problems ! Gained couple of kgs, Severe Hair Loss, Acne...Started my fitness routine again from today with a hope to set things right.. Dont feel very motivated and good !

Any ideas/tips about PCOS would be really helpful.. what kind of diets and exercise regime worked for you ? I feel my weight is so badly stuck ... It doesnt move !

Luv n Luck to all,


  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My symptoms used to be TERRIBLE! Horrific cystic acne, hair loss, carrying weight in my lower abdomen..all the male-pattern hormone stuff and I was pre-diabetic. 8 months later+ I'm down almost 50lbs, my skin great, my belly is starting to get flat and I FEEL good.

    What works best for me is to do lower carbs and zig-zag calories. I may net 1000 one day and net 1400 the next but it keeps my system guessing. I love fruit but it is high in carbs so I try to limit myself to 1-2 servings a day and eat more veggies. Feel free to look at my diary. I took a few days off last week but if you go back further, it's pretty consistent.
  • catrojas
    catrojas Posts: 53 Member
    I would love to see what others tried, myself I can't seem to loose anything from the tummy/thigh area!! but I'm not as symptomatic as most. I wasn't diagnosed until I started TTC.
  • darsh11
    darsh11 Posts: 98
    Chances are you have Insulin Resistance as well. They actually go hand in hand. I agree with the lower carbs. Also try balancing protein with any carb that you eat For example if you are going to have an apple add cheese or peanut butter for a snack. Also check with the your Dr about Metphormin. It is a drug used to treat Type 2 diebetes and also helps with PCOS.
  • stephenson6

    I don't have PCOS but am following the Metabolism Miracle (MM) plan for other health reasons, as it helps so many) and it has helped a lot pf people with PCOS. The key is to lower carbs and re-program your body to handle carbs more effectively. I started MM back in May and have lost 35 pounds. And that's 35 pounds of FAT! I have been on MFP to help keep track of what I'm eating since July and have lost 15 pounds. You eat real food, not pre-made packaged expensive food. And you don't count calories. You do significantly lower your carbs for the first 8 weeks, then add them back in gently with guidelines, to continue to lose weight. The author just did a blog on PCOS and how the program can help. She is a register dietician and certified diabetes instructor. Check it out..
  • syiyi
    syiyi Posts: 341 Member
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I was diagnosed in 1992... I cut out sugar and flour. I only eat protein and veggies and 1 fruit a day. I exercise 6 days a week including weight lifting. I take fish oil, multi vit and cinnamon daily. I feel great with this routine. Weight is coming off slow but IS coming off. Good luck!
  • rabbit99_47203
    I read a book calle "If ar first you don't concieve" It has a full chapater on PCOS. The most important thing i have realized is that with every carb you take in you need to take in some protien. I don't eat much meat so I have started drink some protien drinks. They taste pretty aweful but if I get them in than it makes a huge difference in my weight loss. Read the insturctions because they can be used for bulking up in muscles so you want to make sure to follow the guide for weight loss. Drink your water, restrict your carbs as much as possible, add protien probably more than what is suggested if you do have insulin resistance and exercise at least 30min everyday. I don't do a set exercise my goal is to be more active. I call it active living I have a pedometer and if I get in 10,000 steps during my day than that figures up to be 4hrs of active moving. As for the carbs I cut back as much as I feel comfortable doing. The hopes is that with losing the weight you will no longer have this problem and if you simple cut them out for the time when you do start eating them again your body will probably start reacting in the same way with time and you will put the weight back on. Try to learn to find the middle. Find better choice carbs that way when you have reached your weight loss goal you have also learned some better choices and won't turn to the high carb foods that helped get us this way. I say my body was fighting against me by not processing things the way it should but I also didn't always make the proper food choices either. You can endulge in a bowl of pasta but make it the exception not the rule.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Metformin is a Godsend. I struggle to lose weight without it. Talk to your doctor.

    Unfortunately with PCOS if u go off program even a little you gain. Two weeks ago I had a quarter pounder and bread and cheese binge. That was one day I went over calories by 400. I gained 800g. It sucks but it is what it is.

    The best thing for me to treat a lot of symptoms is exercise. Thankfully I can commute to work so I get my 30 min in just by walking to and from the station. Anything else is gravy. (now its just finding the time to go to the gym!)

    Good luck! (feel free to add me as a friend)
  • CalderaGal
    Info on a PCOS diet book: