Having difficulty finding time

linnylarkin Posts: 4 Member
edited October 4 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm a new mom and my son will be 3 months old on Saturday. He's a great baby but still requires a lot of attention and care, obviously. I have to work out at least five days a week for my physical therapy, to try to lose some weight, and for my own sanity. The only time I really have to do this is in the morning after my husband takes the little one to daycare and before I leave for work. My husband has to work out too or else he gets really grumpy so he works out in the afternoons while I pick up the little one from daycare and make dinner.

Here's how a typical day should go:

6:00 am - wake up little one and feed him, dress him, do some tummy time with him
6:45 - 7:00 am - Daddy takes little one to daycare, Mommy gets to work out
7:30 - 7:45 am - work out over, shower, get dressed and ready for work
8:15 am - leave for work
8:30 am - 4:30 pm - work
4:30 - 6:00 pm - Mommy picks up little one from daycare, Daddy works out, Mommy makes dinner, Mommy & Daddy eat dinner, little one naps or does tummy time
6:00 pm - Mommy feeds little one
8:00 pm - Mommy feeds and puts little one to bed
8:30 - 9:30 pm - pick out outfit and pack lunch and bottles for next day
10:00 pm - bed

I'm very optimistic about this schedule and we've been pretty good about it on normal days when we have nothing else going on. But it gets thrown off so easily by grocery trips, family visits or random office baby showers (last night). Plus it's so difficult for me to motivate myself to work out so early, since I am definitely not a morning person.

Any new moms out there that are finding their groove yet?


  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I have a four year old and a 6 month old, I am still finding it hard to get anything done. Your doing better than me! Just try to stick to it!
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    Way to plan ahead and get it done. Failure to prepare is just preparing to fail
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    What is your husband doing between 6-8:30 pm? Is it not possible for him to be on baby duty during that time so you can go to the gym or jog outside? It just seems like he is only helping out early in the morning and then HE gets to work out, then you get to cook and HE gets to eat a nice dinner with you, then afterwards you're feeding the baby and putting him to bed while your husband is doing..... ???

    I know it's hard finding time. I have a 2 1/2 year old and my hubby is in Fire/EMT school. He constantly studies and we both work 8-5. Many nights he will leave about 6 and be gone till 11 or midnight. Sometimes he has meetings, sometimes he goes to the library, etc. So I will have Casen the whole night and it's not like I can leave to hit the gym once Casen goes to bed since I'm the only one home with him. Many times I have to workout at 10 PM and use my elliptical in the garage or do a workout DVD. It sucks and I would rather poke my eyes out with a pencil than workout that late. I'm tired too and would rather relax and watch some TV after the kid goes to bed but the weight won't come off magically. Good luck and I hope you can find a way to do what you would like to do every now and then!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    While it has been MANY years since I have had a little one....my daughter will soon be 21.....could you put little one in the stroller and head out for a power walk before the weather gets too cold in the evenings? Or even head to a mall where you can do that?
    Walking is wonderful exercise, and you will burn even more calories pushing a stroller.
  • linnylarkin
    linnylarkin Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I guess I should've prefaced this by saying that I have a wonderful husband who helps as much as he can. Obviously he can't help with feeding the baby as I exclusively breast feed and try to give him as few bottles as possible so we can have that bonding time after I get home from work. Even though I make most of the dinners, hubby does all of the clean up after meals and most of the house maintenance and straightening in the evenings. And he takes care of the dog so I don't have to worry about the baby and her. He wants to have his time with the baby, too so he'll either get little one to nap on him or play with him before I put him to bed.

    Also, I can only do low impact workouts right now as I'm still recovering from a very difficult delivery, in physical therapy and I haven't been cleared to do anything too "bouncy" yet (jogging, aerobics, etc.). I've been doing a lot of pilates DVDs and strength training at home.

    It's definitely a lot to try to fit into a day, but that's why moms are so amazing, right?
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