Looking for more supportive friends

Hello, my name is LeAnne. I have been at this weight loss journey for about 6 months now, and I have lost 30 lbs to date. I am still looking to lose about 10-15 more lbs, so I am looking for more friends who can support/encourage me along the way. My weight loss has currently stalled, so I need to increase my exercising to get over this hump. My best friend and I started this weight loss journey together, and we are both doing fantastic. Feel free to add her as well, BCAcheerleading - she has lost 55 lbs to date with still about 5-10 more lbs left to lose. Thanks.


  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Feel free to add me-I'm happy to help!
  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    Feel free to add me, I also have 10 -15 left to lose and it is going very slowly.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Wow! What an accomplishment already! Feel free to add me... the more the merrier! :D
    I'm sure you will get out of this rut soon- don't lose focus, you're almost there!
  • ashlielinn
    Great job so far and good luck with the rest! You can do it!
  • PamelaLavender
    PamelaLavender Posts: 63 Member

    Would be happy to add you to my fitness pal's.