Primal/paleo friends, I have a question.

I am trying to figure out where to put my macros and calories for the day. Anyone really count cals or do you just keep carbs down? How many people eat cheese, it is the only dairy I like. Just trying to figure this all other question is how do I get out of eating 6 times a day I have done is for the last 2 yrs it is just natural for me. Any suggestions?


  • CoachFoland
    CoachFoland Posts: 564 Member
    since I became Primal, I haven't tracked my food. I also lost 12lbs in 30 day (on the Primal Blueprint 30 day Challenge). Make sure you are eating healthy fats, and that will keep you satisfied longer and you won't need to eat 6 times a day. When you're body is a carb burner, you're body craves it, and that's why you are wanting to eat that often. Give it time, eat your protein, healthy fats, and only get your carbs from vegetables, and that will go away.
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    I do lacto-Paleo. I figure if milk and cheese are good enough for the Mongols and the Zulu, they are good enough for me. The overarching goal of Paleo is to get into a fat-burning, low-sugar metabolism, and dairy IMHO works with this just fine for this.

    I track my calories very loosely, but I carefully stay under 100 carbs right now for weight loss. By controlling my carbs, my calories tend to come in between 1200-1800 without me trying. If I did have a high calorie, low carb day, I wouldn't worry about it.

    To get out of eating 6 times a day, maybe try eating a large high-protein breakfast that will get you comfortably to lunch with maybe just a snack thrown in, and work from there. .
  • ImNotStarving
    I eat cheese, but it's not a huge part of my diet. I've only been doing this for a few weeks though, so I'm still trying to figure it all out and what works for me - doing more reading and research.

    As I said though, I have only been doing this for a few weeks, and I found it very easy to go from being a frequent snacker (low cal diet) to eating 3 (usually) satisfying meals per day. When I eat eggs and bacon for breakfast, I don't get hungry again for lunch. When I have a burger for lunch, I don't get hungry again until dinner. And dinner keeps me satisfied for the night, so I don't ever have that gnawing hunger that I used to have when restricting calories only.

    My carb cravings are almost non-existant... as long as I don't let it get to the point of that gnawing hunger... then seriously, everything sounds good. I know that if you're doing it the right way, you should never get that super hungry feeling though... so I'm working on better meal planning!
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I eat cheese. I also do count calories and try to stay around 1500 a day and between 50 and 100 grams of carbs. If I were doing a lot of exercise, I would eat more calories. But I don't, so I don't.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I'm eating 2 - 3 meals per day after having switched to a very high protein & fat breakfast.
    I don't really worry about the macros as long as I stay under 50 g carb for the day.
    I'm trying the Jack Kruse leptin reset prescription that was brought to my attention by fellow paleo member ResilientWoman.

    I'm keeping to around 1600 calories on average but I do go over now and then but I don't sweat it.
    I'm still getting hungry but not until hours later after a meal.
    I don't feel a need to snack all day. That urge is now gone.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I dont count calories, I just look at them...not sure why, but I do lol I like to fluctuate my calories lots some days, eat barely (because that's all I want, I dont limit my foods) on other days.

    I will eat cheese, I have nothing against it, I just dont eat it regularly. I figure a pound of cheese is a waste money wise, as I can get a package of some sort of meat instead, that lasts much longer.