Lose One Pound This Week - Friday to Friday Weigh in



  • Lost 1.4!!!! VERY EXCITED!
  • netite
    netite Posts: 17 Member
    Did not make the 1 lb lost...poor time of the month for me to try. Are we going again for next week?


    ps Glad that you made your goal and then some!!
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 262 Member
    10.23 - 155
    10.28 - 153.4

    lost 1.6

    yay! happy friday everyone!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    not sure this is an accurate reading for me since I did a 32 hour fast from Wednesday night until this morning, but I sure am going to work hard to keep losing. notably, my decision to do the fast (I've had 4 intermittent fast days this month) was unrelated to this challenge.

    10/21 -- 191.4
    10/28 -- 188.2

    lost 3.2 pounds (as indicated above, this is probably artificially low because of the recent short term fast...I will wait until Wednesday's official weigh-in day to record the weight on MFP)

    wishing everyone continued success on their journeys.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member

    Down 1.4

    Is the plan to keep this thread going?
  • If you guys want me to keep it going I can do that! I'm going to go for a maintenance week this week so that I don't feel like I'm hungry all the time and my body doesn't slow down my metabolism. The next week I'll do another pound. I can make up the chart though and record you guys for this following week too if you want :) Good work everybody!
  • bestrodeo
    bestrodeo Posts: 139 Member
    10/25 134
    10/28 132
  • Does anyone know how to insert a picture into a post? I have our lovely chart of progress! Just have to post it.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Yes....save the file as a jpeg....then upload to photobucket...copy the IMG code and paste to MFP...you will need to change the beginning and ending IMG of the code to lowercase
  • How's everyone doing this week! If you want me to input your weight let me know and if you want to just tell me the difference each week that is okay too. Good work everyone! Keep er strong till Friday!
  • The whole thing didn't show up. Trying this again.

  • Sorry guys. Trying again. There's about 3 columns missing.

  • I can't get it to work :(
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I can't get it to work :(

    What part is not working??
  • Oh that's weird. It changed since yesterday. If I update it on photobucket does it automatically change it here or do I have to paste it again? Now it's just really small. Will try fixing later.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I think you have to repost....

    Photobucket is funny like that. What you see is not the same as what someone else sees. Try to narrow the columns.
  • Sorry for spamming the board.

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    No problem, it's looks good. You can also try to reduce the font so it fits better...
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 262 Member
    10.23 - 155
    10.28 - 153.4
    11.04 - 151.8

    lost 1.6 again... nice and consistent.

    yay! happy friday everyone! Hope you all had a great week too.