All kinds of raw almond milk!! CHAI?! NOM!

angelinerstetzko Posts: 104
edited October 2024 in Recipes
Raw 101: Homemade Almond Milk


Vanilla Almond Milk (yields 2-3 cups or so)

1 cup almonds, soaked 8-12 hours beforehand if it’s possible
4 cups water
6 dates or 1/4 cup agave
1 tsp pure vanilla extract (or the contents of a vanilla bean)

Chocolate nut milk: To the recipe for vanilla almond milk, add 2 tbsp raw cacao nibs or unsweetened cocoa powder

Cinnamon milk: To the recipe for vanilla almond milk, add 1 tsp cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg

Chai milk: To the recipe for vanilla almond milk, add 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon garam masala, and 1/4 tsp. nutmeg

Sugar-free vanilla milk: In place of the dates, add stevia to taste


  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    Thanks for sharing.....I absolutely LOVE almond milk!! The others you listed sound delicious too!! Have you tried the Silk coconut milk? I just bought some...but I have not had a chance to try it yet....I'm hoping it's as good as the almond milk.
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks for sharing! Sounds and looks wonderful!
  • busterrocks
    busterrocks Posts: 35 Member
    I need to try this sometime! What do you do with the remaining almond pulp?
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    Not that I'm against trying this, I'm just confused where you get the "milk" from. Do you use the water to soak the almonds then that becomes milk? Or after they're soaked do you pound the almonds to get the "milk" out of them? I'm confused.
  • I need to try this sometime! What do you do with the remaining almond pulp?

    I'm going to make almond butter with it!
  • Not that I'm against trying this, I'm just confused where you get the "milk" from. Do you use the water to soak the almonds then that becomes milk? Or after they're soaked do you pound the almonds to get the "milk" out of them? I'm confused.

    If you go to the web address below the picture, it shows the entire process on how to make it :)
  • I need to try this sometime! What do you do with the remaining almond pulp?

    I'm going to make almond butter with it!

    I just found this too!

    "Rawguru’s Fave Cookie Dough Recipe
    1 ½ cup cashews or almonds (soaked, then dehydrated) and ground to a flour (I just use wet left-over pulp from making almond milk)
    5 tbs. coconut butter
    2 tbs. agave nectar or 7-10 dates
    ½ vanilla bean (seeds only) or 1/2 tsp. extract
    Pinch of celtic sea salt
    1-2 pinches cinnamon
    pinch of nutmeg
    coconut water to make it moist (or just plain water is fine too)

    In a blender or food processor, process till it comes together and forms a dough, add more coconut water if it is too dry or more almond flour to make it more doughy. Then shape into cookie shapes and dehydrate at 105 degrees for 10 hrs or until nice and chewy"

    I tried making it with a few alterations. After having made yummy almond milk (after milking i added vanilla extract, stevia and maca), i tried the above recipe. My daughter is allergic to cinammon so instead I decided to try amazing grass kidz superfood, which i use for a substitute of any chocolate in the house to get all the fruits and veggies in her diet.

    With all my pulp (3 cups) plus the ingredients, I was able to make two trays on my dehydrator of cookies, we will see how they turn out, they smell delicious drying in my kitchen!

    I stuck a pear and two apples on an additional tray, and have some crackers drying on another tray while one is empty. For really good cheez it tasting crackers watch this...
  • And I found these! YUMMY!


    Choco­late Balls or Cook­ies
    Adapted from Rus­sell James’ Choco­late Chip Cook­ies (Choco­late Recipes ebook)

    1 1⁄2 cups almond pulp
    1 cup oat flour (obtained by grind­ing up oat groats)
    1⁄2 cup wal­nuts, ground in a food proces­sor
    1⁄4 cup maple syrup
    3 tbs agave nec­tar
    3 tbs cacao pow­der
    1 tbs carob pow­der
    1 tbs lemon juice
    2 tsp vanilla extract
    1⁄4 tsp cin­na­mon
    1⁄4 tsp tea­spoon salt
    1⁄4 cup cacao nibs (optional)
    Dried coconut
    Mesquite and carob pow­der
    Process all ingre­di­ents except cacao nibs until smooth in food proces­sor. If desired, add cacao nibs and process briefly just to incor­po­rate.
    Roll bat­ter into small balls or cook­ies.
    Toss in dried coconut or a mix­ture of mesquite and carob pow­der to coat.
    Store in refrig­er­a­tor.

    Carmella’s Notes:
    ~ I added nibs only to half of the choco­late mix­ture.
    ~ I then coated the plain balls with coconut and the ones with the nibs with mesquite and carob.
    ~These are very sim­i­lar to my Dou­ble Choco­late Cook­ies in The Best of Raw Free­dom Com­mu­nity ebook.
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