Weight loss plateau

Hello all,

I'm currently experiencing a weight loss plateau for more than one month.

I know, I know, i need to change my work-out, varying my calories intake, perhaps eating less salt, etc etc. Increasing my metabolism.

I will restart musculation tonight ( urghh), but I feel a little depressed rigth now, and i'm scary that I could remains stuck with this weight.

So my question is: have you allready experienced a plateau in your weight loss? And how did you succeed in breaking it? I would like to know your stories to feel better ( or not).

Thank you !


  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I am stuck too!! Maybe someone will help us both!!
  • sd101483
    sd101483 Posts: 419 Member
    I just went through a 4 month plateau, after having lost 50 lbs. I actually got to my lowest ever, immediately gained 7, and there I have stayed. I've tried all the above mentioned and then some. I remain within the same 2 lb range. This week I decided to try dropping my carbs to around 100 (not low, by any means, but lowER). In doing so, I've increased my protein drastically, and I am also eating almost all of my exercise calories back (which I was never that good about before). Since Monday, I'm down 3 lbs! And, it's not bouncing back up, yet, like normal. So, SOMETHING (one of the three, or maybe, all three) are working. Keep tweaking it, increase calories, increase protein, decrease carbs, play around and see what works for you! :)

    Feel free to msg me or add me as a friend to review my diary.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    Well, #1 be happy that you are maintaining your loss- although the scale is not going down... it is not going up either- so YAH!
    Reducing sodium/sugar is a big thing, also what has recently helped me is to swap out my morning coffee with a plain green tea and adding extra cardio where I can.

    I like the comercial workout idea... when you are watching tv at night/am whenever... create a mini- circuit for yourself. 1st commercial 10 squats, 2nd commercial 10 lunges 3rd commercial 10 pushups, then repeat.. 2 hrs of tv a night.. gives you an extra 20 minutes burn and keeps you away from adding extra calories from mindless snacking.

    I think the key to getting through a plateau is adding in little extras whenever/wherever you can!
    Don't give up.. the scale will move again =)
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    I don't consider anything less than 6 weeks a plateau. Water weight varies too much. I regularly gain/drop 8lbs of water in 24 hours.

    Your food diary looks good, at least for the last few days.

    How big is your Calorie deficit? If you really only have 13lbs. total left to lose, you probably shouldn't be set any higher than a loss of 1lb./week, and some would recommend only 0.5lbs/week.

    How is the measuring tape looking? If you haven't taken measurements, do it! Scales lie (due to water weight and other factors).
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I looked at your diary for the last 2 weeks. A couple of things I would recommend before crying 'plateau' are:

    1. Log every day. It doesn't matter what you ate - log it. Good bad or ugly, put it down.
    2. Stay within your MFP limits (except protein, I always suggest to increase that). There were a lot of days when you were over on sodium, calories, fat, or carbs.

    Follow the plan and see where that gets you. If you still aren't losing weight after a week of doing it right, then I would start to assess calories, etc.

    For me, I've personally never reached a plateau, but I strategically plan it so that doesn't happen. I know that no matter what I'm doing, I will only get about 10-12 lbs out of it. Around that 10 lb mark, I start changing things. Right now, I'm eating a straight 1560 calories and sticking there. I'll reach a plateau in 2.6 lbs. So once I reach that weight, I'll start decreasing my carbs and increasing my protein for another 10-12 lbs. Once I get there, I'll start cycling my calories. THEN I can start decreasing my calories if I need to. I want to get as much out of my 1500 calories as I possibly can. :-D
  • h0taru
    h0taru Posts: 43
    For my diary i was in vacation, doing camping, that's why I have some holes. I'm usually very strict with noting everything ( my boyfriend and family make fun of me because of that).

    During this camping, I lost 2 pounds. Actually my plateau is : between one month and one month and a half, without loosing anything, 2 weeks of camping ( could not count but tried to be raisonnable) and now... my weight is stuck again.

    Since i'm counting calories, i'm eating much more bad things than before ( simple sugar, salt). It is sad but it is the way that I found to deal with the calorie deficit. I will probably increase my calories, and eating more healthy things. I'm just afraid of gaining weigth.

    I don't know for my measurments... I guess i will buy a tape tonight :)

    edit: I forgot to say that the last 13 lb are for a BMC of 25, and sorry for my poor english
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I had 30 pounds total to lose (175 to 145, currently weigh 147). After losing 15 pounds by eating 1200 calories a day, I stalled. For 2 months my weight would not budge. I upped my calories to 1400 a day for 2 weeks. Still no change. I finally set MFP for a 0.5 lb/week loss, which upped my calories to 1600, then I started losing again.

    We all plateau for different reasons. Mine occurred because I now know I wasn't eating enough. I originally set MFP to lose 2 lbs/week which was way too aggressive when in the grand scheme of things, I didn't have that much to lose.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member

    Since i'm counting calories, i'm eating much more bad things than before ( simple sugar, salt). It is sad but it is the way that I found to deal with the calorie deficit. I will probably increase my calories, and eating more healthy things. I'm just afraid of gaining weigth.

    If you are eating more sugar/salt then before- when you were losing- to fill your calorie goal, then why are you afraid of gaining weight eating healthier things???
  • h0taru
    h0taru Posts: 43

    Since i'm counting calories, i'm eating much more bad things than before ( simple sugar, salt). It is sad but it is the way that I found to deal with the calorie deficit. I will probably increase my calories, and eating more healthy things. I'm just afraid of gaining weigth.

    If you are eating more sugar/salt then before- when you were losing- to fill your calorie goal, then why are you afraid of gaining weight eating healthier things???

    Because even if i eat more sugar and salt, my calorie intake is lower.

    Before starting my diary I was never eating processed sugar, was cooking everything with healthy things. I mean by healthy, good quality fat like olive oil, artisan bread.... But I was eating too much.

    Now i sometimes go to fast food ( where I usually eat a kid meal), I eat pizza ( no more than 2 slides), eat hydrogenated oil cookie even if it is only one.

    I just could not manage the diet and the eating healthy I guess....

    edit: I was fat eating healthy thing. It is when i started MFP and count my calories, and loosing weigth, that in the same time I stopped eating healthy all the time