Off to a great start with MFP

Just a little about me: I am 19 years old and have struggled with my weight my entire life. I am a full time college student and a part time waitress. I have a pretty busy life, but I need to find the time and energy to take care of myself. I am ready to become a happier, healthier ME and I would love to expand my support network on MFP!

I have been using MFP for almost 2 weeks now (tomorrow will be the 14th day) and so far I have already lost 5 pounds! This is the first time I have actually seen weight loss results so quickly! I feel really great about this and I want to make sure I continue to have success with my weight loss!

I am 5'7" and after losing 5 pounds, I am currently weighing in at 204lbs. Within 6 months, I would like to be down to 180lbs. Eventually I would like weight in at 165-175 pounds.

My biggest inspiration for my weight loss is the health benefits. I have an EXTREME needle phobia, therefore, I am absolutely terrified of diabetes, which runs on both sides of my family! I know that I need to take serious action in order to take care of myself to avoid weight related health problems.

I have changed my eating habits mostly by cutting down on portion size and eliminating pop and other sugary drinks from my diet. I drink only water and green tea now. I need to dedicate more time to exercise but for now, changing my diet is what I am focusing on most.

I'd love to continue on my weight loss journey with the support of this awesome MFP community, so if you're looking for the same thing, add me as a friend! I'd love to take any advice people are willing to share, and encouragement is always appreciated!

I'm two weeks in and feeling optimistic; I'd really like to have more people to share this experience with! :)