Has anyone?

I just got started as of today. Eating right and with a work out. Now Im working on the couch to 5K has anyone done that and if so how did it work for you? I am looking to do a 5k on Thanksgiving day so i keep my fingers crossed.


  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I'm starting it in the next couple of days.. nervous, as I'm literally starting from not being able to run for more than a minute, but I am excited at the same time, because I want to be fitter!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    i just finished it several weeks ago! i was able to stay on schedule and now i'm up to running 4 miles! :-) stick with it, trust the program, push yourself, and enjoy! it's fabulous!

    here's a link to my post after graduating: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/362301-graduated-from-c25k-today-week-9-day-3-done it'll give you a good idea of what it was like for me.
  • amcarey4783
    amcarey4783 Posts: 6 Member
    thanks like i said i just started today... and tomorrow im going again. i have gone to the track before and walked and ran a little bit but i feel like it has never done anything. but just running for 60 sec then walk for 90 until 20 mins really kicked my butt
  • nborsh22
    nborsh22 Posts: 72 Member
    I just finished Week 4 Day 2 this morning. I am amazed that I am doing this. I used to workout out and try to jog occasionally but then, marriage and kids happened and I stopped doing those things. But I was determined to get back to working out and someone told me about C25K, I actually bought the app for my phone so that it prompts me when to walk & run. I love having a program to follow, that's a good motivator for me. I actually got through week 4 about 3 weeks ago, then we spent a week in Disney and then I had a cold for a week so I started week 4 over this week. Last time I did it I couldn't complete the full runs, this week I have completed them all so far......never thought I could run 5 minutes straight........ I looked ahead to next week and I think on day 3 there is a 20 minute run so I'm a little scared of that. But I agree with the other post, make it a goal, stay focused and your stamina/endurance will build. I may run a 5k on Thanksgiving as well, that will be my 9th week of the program so maybe a good note to end on. :-) Good luck to you!!!