under calorie goal?

it seems to me that whenever i see in my newsfeed that someone was under their calorie goal for the day, everyone always praises the person. it seems to me that this 'under calorie goal' thing is generally counterproductive. your calorie goal has been set for you based on your age, height, weight, and losing a healthy amount of weight per week. you should be AT LEAST meeting your calorie goal. at least. when you don't, your body is going to react in negative ways.

am i the only one who thinks this??


  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I don't know about the others here but when I'm under it's normally just a 10-15 calories, so not a big deal.
  • dandrews010
    dandrews010 Posts: 253 Member
    to be fair though its pretty hard to hit your calorie goal exactly. Would be some skilled calorie counting. Its probably always going to be just over or under - and under will get the praise!

    I take your point for drastically under though
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I find it annoying too because I'm trying to gain muscle, so for me if I'm under....its always a bad thing. So when I get congratulated its like wtf...lol.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I hate the fact that this site seems to encourage being under your calorie goal, when that isn't the point at all.
  • jlmoore05
    i was just thinking about this...i was worried because im 300 under for today (after I calculated my dinner for tonight--i work late). But then I thought...im only 300 under because I worked out this morning...but if i didnt work out i would be at target...do I always have to eat my calories even when I work out? Im with you, because i cant eat any more because im stuffed! lol or i could always have glass of wine :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Yes, eat your exercise calories. As far as your body is concerned, whatever you burn from exercising cancels out what you eat.
  • inspiredgardener
    I appreciate hearing this. I believed the same thing, you eat what your exercise gives you, but I had a couple people convince me differently. I'll be doing a google search too to read up more. I battled anorexia for a long time and definitely don't want to go that route again. Thanks again.
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    it seems to me that whenever i see in my newsfeed that someone was under their calorie goal for the day, everyone always praises the person. it seems to me that this 'under calorie goal' thing is generally counterproductive. your calorie goal has been set for you based on your age, height, weight, and losing a healthy amount of weight per week. you should be AT LEAST meeting your calorie goal. at least. when you don't, your body is going to react in negative ways.

    am i the only one who thinks this??

    I cannot speak for everyone else but I find it difficult to meet my daily goal. Unless I go out to eat and have some beers or I do not work out. But I do workout every day and that gives me a ton of extra calories to consume. I am consistently 400-600 calories under. However that means I am still consuming 1700-2000 calories per day. I am not ever hungry so my body must not be missing it.
  • stacymay13
    stacymay13 Posts: 95 Member
    I agree as well. Sometimes I'm under, but its usually not more than 100 cals. I just don't like the people who purposefully eat hundreds below what MFP tells them.