Rude comments



  • jenblowsbubblez
    jenblowsbubblez Posts: 112 Member
    This site is not for losing weight (even though the majority are currently in a weight loss phase). It's for fitness. My FITNESS Pal, not my WEIGHTLOSS pal. Some people are trying to gain weight. Some are maintaining. Some are changing body composition.

    This ^

    very true!!! I have a friend on here that is trying to gain and its very hard for her!
  • Unwrapping_Candy
    Unwrapping_Candy Posts: 487 Member
    don't know about any of you but I had somebody rudely reply to one of my topics. The person seemed skinny in their picture. Honestly we are on this website to lose weight and if you are going to be rude and not help or motivate others then you need to get off. This is a support system for people who need help losing weight. Not a facebook where you start drama.

    Other than that, I hope everybody had a wonderful day! Just remember if you screw up one day, its okay just get back on your horse the next! We can all do this if we try! =)

    Have a stupendous day!

    This is what you're referencing, yes?
    It's JILLIAN Michaels.. and her videos are quite famous tbh.

    OH! My eyes! It's soooooo rude and offensive! Are you serious with this *kitten*?

    By the way, complaining about another user via the forum is against the rules. REPORTED! O_O


    Was that rude enough for ya?
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Not all PEOPLE are RIDICULOUS GRAMMAR nazi's.

    Hey! No apostrophe to pluralize! :laugh:

    Damnit! I KNEW I was missing something. Will edit. That just proves I'm not a RIDICULOUS GRAMMAR nazi, right? :-)
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    ohh!!! I see!! yeah gramar nazis= rediculous. Ppl are here for support not rude feedback.
    I can imagine all the rage you must have built up for grammar nazis. :flowerforyou: You must hear it everyday :cry: I'm sorry.

    nope! not at all. I can spell :) Thanks! I just don't pick on people to make me feel better.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I will be locking this before it becomes a total flaming war. Cannot lock with the usual blurb as i'm on my phone so you get my version :happy:

    To the OP, I have looked through your posts and while slightly abrupt I would not say it was rude. She corrected the name and pointed out that the person was well known. Not rude but perhaps not fully understanding that everyone was new to this at one point.

    Quick reminder for everyone... please no abuse, keep it friendly

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
This discussion has been closed.