Hello Everyone!!

Good Evening everyone!

While I am not quite new on here, I am just now getting into using this tool much more to aid in my journey to finding a much smaller me!! :)

I just wanted to say hello to all of you and wish you all good luck on your journey!! :):):) There will always be set backs but the goal is to move on and most of all forgive yourself for your mistakes, we all make them- we just need to learn from them! We are all human! :)


  • sckrlov
    sckrlov Posts: 74
    Hello!! I find these message boards to be so helpful and slightly addicting LOL Good luck in reaching your goals.
  • Oz2011
    Oz2011 Posts: 58
    Well said!, good luck on your journey as-well, Just keep on it, don't give up, were all here for the same thing.Nice Pooch!