Finding This Was Like a Miracle To Me

I wasn't going to share this because I .... well, I'm a guy ..... and we don't usually share stuff like this very well. But I have to tell you because something that works, and makes a person have a breakthrough, shouldn't be kept away from others.

Now, some are going to read this and say, "What a bunch of junk". And others are going to read it and wonder if it's true, and I promise you that it is. I'll try to keep the story shorter instead of getting long winded, but there are details that are important that you should know about. And my email address, in case you have any questions or want to call me an idiot, is - so here goes.

I'm now 56, and have been an exercise fanatic (weights, roller blading, racquetball, martial arts, etc) since about 14 years old (blading since about age 35). I had always maintained a healthy weight - that is until about age 50, maybe 51, and I don't really know what happened but instead of being about 195 (I'm 6' tall) and muscular, I started having to buy bigger and bigger pants. Eventually, about the 5th of January, 2010, I had gotten to 261 pounds, and my loose 33" waist pants had blossomed to 40" that were tight. I suddenly realized that either needed 42" pants, or to lose some weight (stunning awakening, no?).

So I bought an elliptical trainer and a treadmill for my house and began eating "food pyramid" and exercising again. I only weighed-in once a week, and I put my food and exercise in here on Fitness Pal. After six months, I'd lost 3 to 4 pounds. Talk about disheartening. So I decided to reduce the calories, but to still eat that "healthy" stuff on food pyramid. It must be right, right? So I ate less, worked out more, and my January 15th of 2011, I had lost .... (drum roll please) .... 4 pounds. I was really ticked. I was honestly eating "right" and exercising like a mad man. So, I gave up. Why bother. It must be that as a person gets older, they get fat. They have ill health issues. They have medical procedures. Health worsens. Then they die. Could be diabetes, maybe high BP and heart attack, clogged arteries, or other obesity-related things, but that was it. I was just getting older and I was just heading down the path everyone does.

Then my manager sent me an IM (I work at home) blathering on-and-on about this book he had, and this diet he was eating, and how he hadn't been able to lose any weight for months, but after 2 months on this meal plan, he'd lost 17 pounds. He told me the name of it, and to shut him up, I went to and bought the Kindle version for, I think it was less than $10, and it downloaded to my PC. I told him I bought it, and when my wife got home (she also had been unable to lose weight over the same year effort), I asked her if she had time to read a bit of the book and see what she thought (I was still working at my job). The next day, we're eating according to this book. I couldn't believe what we couldn't eat - didn't jibe at all with the food pyramid. So I thought I'd better read it, which I did that weekend. Turns out that there is a ton of science behind the author's recommended diet, and even though I'm not a scientist, there were enough references to peer-reviewed medical journals and works of respected professionals that I followed the author's advice - "Just try it for 30 days - see if you notice weight-loss and improved energy, or not".

Well, I've bought a lot of stuff over the years with a 30 or 60 day trial - doesn't work, bring it back. So I went for it. That was March 17th, 2011. By May 17th, I'd lost more than 30 pounds and was in 38's, and my wife was ahead of even that. By July 4th weekend, I was down to 222 (39 pounds) and had to buy 36's. I'm now (10/20) down to 215 and I think by the time I'm under 205 I'll be back in 34's. That's pretty good, right? I think it's awesome, but that isn't even the best part. Here's what is;

When I started in March, 2011, I was taking 30mg a day of lisinopril for high blood pressure. I was also taking 300mg a day of allopurinol to prevent gout attacks. And my doctor had warned me about my cholesterol being way too high, and that I was pushing into type II diabetes. None of that is any good, but the worst, for me, was the gout. If you've ever known anyone with gout and seen the pain and suffering, you know what I'm talking about. Now that I've dropped the weight, I no longer take BP meds and my BP is 118/78. I stopped taking allopurinol in April 2011 and have not had a single gout attack since. My cholesterol is in the good range now with no meds, and I'm no longer heading for type II diabetes. Plus, my migraine headaches are gone for the last year too.

Now, to be honest, I wouldn't believe this if it hadn't happened to me. I'm telling you because it totally flies in the face of conventional wisdom, but it works. It worked for me, my wife, my boss - and we've spread this to at least 25 other people that we know, and EVERY one of them is experiencing similar results. No, I don't get a penny for books or anything else to do with this. What I get is the joy of helping someone else who, like me, tried everything else with limited or no success, and finally found something that works. So here's the name of the book below. If you've tried everything else, maybe this will work for you too. Consider giving it the "30-day test drive" - you may just be shocked, like my wife and I were. Good luck, whatever you decide, and don't hesitate to email me and ask questions - I'll happily help. God bless.

The book is - The Paleo Solution, by Robb Wolf

Based on the work of Dr. Loren Cordain


  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    Testify! It's like finally finding the instruction manual to that pesky broken-down car, that turns out to be a DeLorean time machine.

    It simply works.
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