

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    HI Friends...Were did everyone go??? I was at a school food show...but ended up being sick and woke up yesterday and came home....still not feeling right but I have to get to a business review. Lucky I have a few hours before I have to leave. I hope I feel better by this afternoon since I have runnng class tonight!

    I hope you all are doing well.....

  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi guys!!

    just checking in. i was planning on walking to work today - 45mins! - but it is pouring with rain so i am getting a lift. :( hope everyone has a good da! oh and thanks for the info about the ipod lorika! i may just ask santa for one! lol. xxx
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    HI Friends...Were did everyone go??? I was at a school food show...but ended up being sick and woke up yesterday and came home....still not feeling right but I have to get to a business review. Lucky I have a few hours before I have to leave. I hope I feel better by this afternoon since I have runnng class tonight!

    I hope you all are doing well.....


    Thinking of you my friend! Stay cool and take care!

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi Fit Friends!!!! I am feeling alittle better today....made it to running last night!!! 12 mins walk 1 run 8 more mins. I am feeling so good about my weight loss. I think I am close to 15# lost since the end of July. I am soooo excited with another I was driving yesterday I noticed my hands on the wheel and I am starting to see thinner hands and some bones I haven't seen in awhile!!!!!!

    Well I hope you all have a great day....what exercise will you do??? Are you drinking your water???

  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi all!!

    well done judy for doing the run - i hate running!! lol

    well today my family dog of 12 years is being put to sleep so i am trying really hard not to comfort eat. :sad: thats why have made a stew in the slow cooker today all warm comfort food and not many calories! and it will be ready for when i get in from work with the house smelling lovely!

    hope everyone else is having a good day.

    claire. xxx
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Oh No Clarie!!! I am so sorry!!!! That is one of the hardest things ever. I bet your poor pup is not enjoying a quaility life, so you and your family are making the right choice :cry: You are doing everything right knowing you don't want to eat due to your emotions. GOOD JOB ~ Take Care :flowerforyou:

    I enjoyed Zumba yesterday...not sure what I will do today. We have football tonight. I really need to focus on my work today..I have been slacking alittle. I would also like to start doing some weekend chores to get ahead alittle.... wish me luck :tongue:

    I have a tiny loss .2 this week CW 183.8 I'm so fine with it.

    Hope all is well with everyone....been super quiet here
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    I am so sorry you have to go through this .... I don't have pets but I can imagine is like family. We did have a Beta fish once, they live a very short life, so, after 2 months he died. My son was crushed when we let him go "into the ocean" (aka flushed down the toilet). I cannot imagine what would be like to have to lose a friend of years and years ...
    Hang in there - this too shall pass!

    Judy - I would love to do Zumba but they just don't do it early in the morning at my gym. I imagine there are not too many people eager to wake up at 4.30 Am to go for a dance :) You should see the faces that early in the morning - we are all zombies. But I like it that way .. .the gym I am going to has the reputation of beeing the "yupee" gym in town, lots a people with "resources" come there ... and their wives ... It is so not me! But when I go in the morning, the "normal" people come - the ones that have jobs and workout in the morning because they have to go to work, or the ones that are so into fitness that they can't sleep :) ... anyway, people that are serious about working out.

    Hope everyone else is doing good.

    I lost 2.5 lbs - the ones that I put on last week. Back to 164.5. I updated my signatures to include goals - I was so afraid to write down actual numbers, but I figured this will keep me focused. And this takes me back to that thought - we are so afraid of failure that we give up or we don't try. But we forget that failure is part of trying, and trying implies repetition.

    So, hopefully later today Judy and I can get back to y'all with some updates about our group.

    Take care!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi and welcome to the weekend!!!! Well our group seems to have gotten very small. Julie is super busy with her new job and wonderful daughter and needs to take a step back. Loredana and I have offered to take over the group for her as long as she keeps checking in and stays on track:wink:

    We do want to put a shout out on the message board for some new members so we can have more points of view and support. We need to find some people who will check in somewhat daily to share their success and struggles. Also we are also thinking of putting together a chart and so we can see our progress.

    A Big Thanks - To Julie for getting this started I love the new friends I have made and we will make you proud keeping the group going!!!!

    My plan for the day is 30 mins house on the treadmill, then yoga class....back home for more chores and yardwork...then hit the shower and enjoy the sunset with some wine :drinker: What are you doing today???

    Make Good Choices :smooched:
  • carolmmd
    I'm still here just been busy with company, work etc. I gained a couple of pounds this week but am back on track. Hard to stay motivated when the scale doesn't move in the right direction but I am determined to lose this weight. Had a binge day yesterday but it was the first one I've had since I started here in August. It wasn't even a horrible binge day, just ate more pizza than I should have and got into the Halloween candy. Can't wait to get that out of the house tomorrow!! Have a Happy Halloween and stay strong!!!!!!

  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    thanks for all the support guys - it was hard but i know that is best for him. i did however manage to lose another 2 pounds this week which boosted me up a bit and helped to stop comfort eating! i have now lost nearly a stone in 5 weeks! its amazing! any way thanks again guys it really helped me.

    claire. xxx
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    I was down 3 lbs this week. Ate a bit too much Halloween candy over the weekend though. My grandmother passed away yesterday afternoon, so I'm not sure how I'll do this week. I have to go back home for the funeral this coming weekend.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Happy Halloween ~

    Clarie ~ Great job on your weight loss!!!!!! Woooo Hooooo

    Lori ~ So sorry about your Grandmother. I hope you are able to enjoy remembering her with your family. We are here for you>

    Loredana and I will be working together to get some more people in the group and get going with challenges and support. Just stay tuned and keep working hard. We will be sure you have the newest threads and soon we will be off and running!!!

    Have a great day Friends!!!! Watch out for that candy!!!!!! remember moderation :)

  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hey guys - where has everyone gone???

    lori i am so so sorry about your grandma - i hope you can smile when you think of her soon.

    i had a bad day today! i planned really really well BUT it was the first day of my level 2 course and they have a sandwich van!! AHH couldnt resist and the vending machines! lol. any way i had a cheat day today but WILL be good for the rest of the week.

    keep up the good work!

    claire. xxx