Is it me? maybe its not me... Defenitly me!

karisbear Posts: 64 Member
Ok so where do i start... I was good friends with 2 friends i know to never mix friends with bussiness but i did, so friend # 1 i made a deal with to rent my old house and we moved one house down ha! i know i know but it was a great lot to build on.
Well now the slide starts friend 1,2 and i where hanging out waaaayyy to much i needed a break the break confused them left them with harsh feelings because they thought it was judgement passed on them as friends it wasnt i just needed space. so i come back and try and be friends and its awkard sooo akward and this break keeps being throw in my face when i try and talk or ask why they dont call. I felt like crap like its my fault we finally talked it out.
not even a week later a diffrence comes up with the rental and them getting another dog i didnt want the first but being a friend i said fine ugh fine! now because i say no to dog #2 im telling them what to do im not making it feel like there house blah blah we talk it out, my husband does not realize this and goes over there to talk to them granted thing could have been handled better specially the time my husband went over there it was late at night his bad i know so i guess he said something to offend them now they arent talking to me again..
finally we talk it out thing come about about her feeling gulity because we've done alot for her family and she also feels like we are acting better then her it was going fine of coarse something else comes up.
so im done with it im tired of it im a cow when it comes to these 2 i dont contact them i dont care im not saying im clean of doing any wrong oh things could have been handled diffrently.
then i get tagged by another friend with having attachment issues and attaching to hard so not i try locking myself up and socializing for short periods. i dont know if its me but i feel to blame, and yet i dont and im tired of worrying about making a new friend incase im attaching to much.

my sister in law i called her because we are taking a 3 hr trip this xmas to see them i dont want to haul alot of stuff back or down in my small jeep with too kids so i was making alist for the kids so i tell her 3 things she sounded off annoyed i didnt realize she had already shopped. anyway my husband come out complaing about how hight the heat in the house is words where exchanged i try and talk shes barely talking now im like ok im going to go i get yup click i feel like a cant win im an open person i say thing with out a filter sometime im to country compaired to her

sorry i just had to say something if you read it sorry for taking up ur time but thank u


  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Hard to follow all that but, I suggest that you keep it simple and tell these folks that you are sorry you annoyed or hurt or offended them and that you've noticed that you have a way of doing that sometimes (unintentionally and unknowingly). Let them know that you're trying your best and you hope they can accept you the way you are (a work in progress).
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    1. Get a property management company to handle it for you.

    2. Make the tenants get utilities in their names pronto.

    The end.
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    A couple Capital letters and full stops to break up the flow would really help more people get through this post. Wowza, I was out of breath reading that. :)

    I think the main thing I got from that is that you need to talk to your friends about exactly how you're feeling rather than hoping they know why you need a break. Look at it from their point of view and see how your actions may have appeared to them. The main problem with these communication breakdowns is that nobody tells the other person exactly what's going on and things get misconstrued and then fights start.
  • karisbear
    karisbear Posts: 64 Member
    oh we talk i could talk them to death, but at the end there is always another problem that arises with them.

    utilities are in there name and property managment is a great idea! thank you, do u know if u can still do it if its in an agreement for a rent to own?