In desperate need of help and support



  • ChristinaK42
    I've been to MANY sites over the past years. I have to say this is the only one I have been consistently supported on. I feel accountable but not judged. I know my MFP friends have my best interest at heart.
  • amyelizbradley
    amyelizbradley Posts: 379 Member
    You have received some great advice! I whole heartedly agree that this is a great place to reach out & find support. Pay close attention to what "SailingMike" & "Rubybelle" said; they both said it so well that I won't repeat it...

    That being said, send me a friend request if you can every use the support; I'll be there the best I can!

    I wish you peace of mind that you are starting a health journey and although it will not be easy, it will be worth it. And YOU deserve that! :heart: