

  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    You're doing really well - don't quit!!!

    You might want to try mixing it up a bit: this could go a few ways:
    - do an extra hard work out week.
    - have a variable eating plan: 1000 Kcals day 1, 1400 day 2, 1200 day 3 etc: you only need to average 1200!!! (worked well for me).
    - Have a week of maintenance eating. Seriously... dieting is hard work: eat the amount you expect to eat and stay the same weight - no junk food though - just more of the good stuff. You will probably find a couple of strange things happen... You wont be able to eat enough calories without feeling stuffed, you will have a lot of energy and your weight could literally do anything... up, down, the same... At the end of the week, back onto the plan. Your body could well respond more having had a break (not tried this myself but read it on other posts)

    Good luck
  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    Quit and go back to what? This has to be a lifestyle change and if you keep at it so it becomes second nature, there will be nothing to quit. You can't quit breathing or blinking and eventually, like those, you won't remember what it was like to not be a healthy eating, regular exercising fox
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    Don't know if you are or not, but are you BREASTFEEDING??

    If you are, you need heaps more than 1200 calories. 1200 calories is mainly for people who do alot of sitting and not much exercise. I know you said you do eat back the calories (or most) but I still think you are under-eating!! Try eating more, and make it clean food, and see what happens.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    If you "quit" your probably not going to lose any weight. Let me just say also that first time around on mfp for me I only lost 23 pounds total and I had 2 three week plateaus along the way. Try switching up your exercise if you can and eat lots of superfoods to boost your metabolism
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    You are doing good 9 pounds in one month with only 20 something pounds to go. Remember slow and steady wins the race. Let your body get used to this new weight loss.