Can someone take a look? No loss in 5 days....

I'm set at 1360 calories per day for a 2 lb loss per week and I'm starting to think its too much. I've been weighing myself every morning and have only gone down .5 in 5 days.

I am also running/walking doing circuit training so anyone have any idea whats up?

Should I just push through at 1360 for another week and see what happens or go ahead and lower to 1200?


  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Could you open your diary?

    I wouldn't worry too much as it's only been 5 days. Slow and steady win the race as they say...
  • xxquzme
    xxquzme Posts: 157 Member
    open your diary up to the public and we can help.
  • lovekck
    lovekck Posts: 80 Member
    I just opened it. Thanks for looking.

    And I've been trying to remember slow and steady...
  • xxquzme
    xxquzme Posts: 157 Member
    The only thing that i can see on the diary is that you do eat the most of your cals in the evening. Which is fine, but it doesnt give you much time to burn them vs storing them. Also i would add sodium to the list of nutritional values if you are going to eat frozen meals. other than that it loks good.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    While weight loss is mostly a matter of calories in/calories out, I'd suggest eating less processed food/sugars and add more fresh veggies/fruit to your diet. Processed food is rich in sodium and might be causing water retention (hence no weight loss).

    I'll have to disagree with xxquzme, though, as the "meal timing" myth has been debunked. Doesn't matter when you eat your calories as long as you remain in deficit.
  • lovekck
    lovekck Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks xx, I appreciate it.

    I stopped buying the frozen crap because of the sodium, I was wondering about that too. I try not eat after 7:30 but your right, most are in the evening.

    I'll keep doing what I'm doing and keep my fingers crossed :))
  • inspiration345
    inspiration345 Posts: 218 Member
    Your diary looks very fine. Could be water retention. I really don't know much about water retention because it could be something I need to look into myself. My body is weird I eat carrots, apple and beans for 6 days a week and lose nothing. Then I eat 1500 calories of pizza late at night and next day I lose a pound or two and several inches off my body. You would think that pizza would cause water to retain not withdraw.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I also noticed that on the days you do workout that your total net calories actually drop below 1200 calories. I'd recommend making sure you don't drop below that 1,200 when you workout because your body may be trying to store fat.

    Also I'm not sure how consistent you are on entering in your exercise. But you may consider trying to increase your activity and do it maybe every other day?
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    I can't really see any veggies in there! Aim for two fruit and five veg a day, they'll fill you up and you'll be getting healthier as well as slimmer. Hang in there, I quite often go through weeks where I don't lose much or anything at all and then I'll have a big loss. The body works in mysterious ways!
  • lovekck
    lovekck Posts: 80 Member
    More fruits and veges it is! Common sense, I know... in the past I lost 50 lbs of baby weight in 4 months by eating 1200 a day and most of that was junk! lol! I am trying to become a little healthier this time but I'm also realizing things stop working as well as you age... :-\ Bummer.

    Thanks as you asyouseefit.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    You might have better luck if you also eat back your exercise calories. The body is an incredibly sensitive and stubborn thing. If it thinks it is not getting enough calories for the your level of activity, it will do everything it can to hold on to every gram of fat it has in reserve. This is called starvation mode. The weight loss will come from a calorie deficit and you really don't want to exceed more than a couple of pounds lost per week. MFP has made recommendations for your daily caloric intake to maintain the deficit needed to reach your goal. I would encourage you to eat them all. I have seen it over and over again with friends here and have experienced it for myself, there is more weight lost and a healthier loss if you eat all the calories you should. It sounds counter-intuitive, but it really works.

    You might also consider adding more nutrient dense foods to your diet. Again, our bodies have a different criteria in deciding what is good nutrition than our heads. I would live on pizza and pasta if I could, but that totally screws up my weight loss. If I make good choices and eat all the calories I am supposed to, the weight comes off. That includes eating back the calories I burn in exercise.
  • Kell4
    Kell4 Posts: 2
    Hard not to eat late at night when you have kids and it might be the first time you sat down all day! I agree that you should drop the processed foods and add in more fruits and veggies. Try buying one of those pre made trays from the grocery store and just setting it out at night well you relax. It is quick, easy and you will be amazed how full you get snacking on it.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Stop and take a look at how you are approaching this.

    Its a long process and you should not be worried about no loss in 5 days. As the fat comes off and you increase your activity levels there are going to be a lot of changes going on in your body, not all weight related.

    In the last two months i have maybe lost 5 lbs but my body is almost unrecognisable.

    If you have no loss in 5 weeks, then maybe start to worry that something isnt right.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I do think you need to give it a few weeks. I alwasy find my body can be quite stubborn when its been at a certain weight for a while. Despite my best efforts it will refuse to budge for a few weeks and then it suddenly let go of a pound or two.

    Hang in there and it will work.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    -Make sure you're eating enough
    -Try and get more calories from natural foods like vegetables, fruit, unprocessed meats
    -Drink lots of water
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Add Sodium to your diary settings, looking at what you are eating it's probably quite high which means you'll retain water. I had to go back 4 days in your diary to find veggies too, so I would try less lean cuisine and more cooking :)
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    The only thing that i can see on the diary is that you do eat the most of your cals in the evening. Which is fine, but it doesnt give you much time to burn them vs storing them.

    This is not true! It doesn't matter when you consume the calories, it's the amount that you consume that counts. I do agree with the posts about the processed foods however but if you do have to buy pre prepared foods, look for ones with low sugar and sodium content.

    5 days is not long. I wouldn't worry about it for now and focus on eating well (range of foods, fruit and veges, plenty of fluids etc) and exercising and you will see the weight come off.
  • lovekck
    lovekck Posts: 80 Member
    Inspiration345- Isn't that odd how all of this stuff works.. I have heard to flush the sodium out to keep drinking water, I drink a ton but not sure if its making a difference.

    Sarah- I've been doing the C25k program and it says to only do it 3 days per week which is driving me back **** crazy. I HATE walking on a treadmill...I will run anytime but its sooooo boring to walk inside so I haven't been doing that much. Also, I just got my 30 day shred in yesterday so I'll be doing that on top of the c25k. Hopefully that will help some.

    Kell4-YES! You are exactly right...its pretty crazy during the day :)

    jdhosier- Awesome advice, thank you. And yes, I am in a way scared to eat those extra calories but I'll start...carrots and greenbeans here I come? lol
  • lovekck
    lovekck Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks Chairless, Emily, Becks, dancing and Leanne.

    I'll add Sodium content, I had no idea that was even an option...
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    jdhosier- Awesome advice, thank you. And yes, I am in a way scared to eat those extra calories but I'll start...carrots and greenbeans here I come? lol
    Check out the dark leafy greens as well. Things like collard greens, turnip greens and kale. Not surprisingly, these things are the rock stars of nutrient dense foods. Cooked correctly, they can really taste great and have very few calories. Here is a web site showing the nutrient density of many foods we can eat. I found it very enlightening.

    Best of luck. Friend me if you like.