Recipes & Information poorly done

kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
Let me start by saying, I am a bit ticked off so this will no doubt sound angry.

We are in a period of time where money is tight for just about everyone. People come here to get healthy and to get ideas. Tonight, I made a recipe from a poster on here. I should've stopped when I started questioning things but others had posted and I assumed it was going to be fine.

The banana bread was a TOTAL FLOP!! Sure, it would've been nice to have had the nutritional value but I can figure that on my own with the calculator on here. What irritates me, is that this person should've posted whether they made the stuff (I doubt they tastes God awful!) and double checked what they wrote. This recipe didn't tell when to add the salt or sugar but listed when to add other ingredients. Also left out was the temperature for the oven.

Where does the 'money is tight' come in?? Because all those ingredients are in the garbage now!! People, before you post a recipe, double check things. I think if this person had tried this stuff, they wouldn't have posted it. If they did try it...whew!!!

Let's just say I'll be leary the next time I try a recipe on here.


  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    If the recipe left out key information, why didn't you check other sources? A quick google for a banana bread recipe would have told you the proper cooking temperature.

    Maybe they tried the recipe and it came out great. :wink:
  • paper_doll_
    Fair enough, I understand totally where you are coming from. I only pass on recipes that I can personally vouch for.. but then what I think is absolutely delicious, the next person may gag on.

    I guess like any recipe it will be hit and miss.

    However, leaving out instructions is just slack. Proofread your posts before hitting reply people!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    The first thing I do with new recipes, whether they are found here or not, is enter them into the nutrition recipe calculator to see if it will even work in my diary in the first place. The second thing I do is carefully read the recipe to make sure nothing was accidentally omitted.

    I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but if you questioned something about it before you made it, then when did you make it at all?
  • PrincessGlitterTush
    I think it's silly to just expect the recipe to be correct. I always check 2 or 3 recipes online if I'm making something for the first time. I don't expect people to know what they are doing. And not only that, but people do make mistakes - it's what makes them human.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Or... don't make them if you don't know what you're doing?! This is a forum, not BBC Food.

    They took the time to write it out, I'm sure they didn't purposefully miss out details!
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I did do a search for multiple recipes to somewhat get a temperature setting.

    Also, I've doubted other recipes but never had issues like this one.

    All I'm requesting is for people to double check and post their results. Not hard to do.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I agree with the OP. I am really tired of it becoming our responsibility to do the work other people should do on their own through mere habit.

    Whilst the person writing the recipe probably had no reason to double-check their recipe, I see this in paid-industries and it aggravates me to no end.

    I am sure some people will disagree with this, but I have begun to leave no tip when I receive poor service at a restaurant because the irresponsibility of some grown-adults is so infuriating.

    There are so many people in this world who can't think in the long-run or place themselves in others shoes. Very annoying...

    I just had ~$130 (I believe) stolen from my room because the school didn't inform me some unknown men would be taking a visit to my room to check the "water pressure" in my shower. No repercussion as I didnt record the "tracking numbers" on my bills *sigh*

    Apparently, if you want things done right, you have to either do-it-yourself or spend tedious time researching.

    All I can say is that at least it was just banana bread. I would not be too happy if I was asked to do something funky with expensive groceries and it resulted in the same outcome. =/

    I know it is frustrating, but there is much worst...That is what I am thinking about my money getting stolen...thankfully it wasn't that much and it wasnt something with sentiment or my cards/personal I know to keep better records and that I will need to install extra safety devices ^^

    A guy tried raping me a few months ago, and I was actually grateful that I learned a lesson in safety without actually having to get raped =/ A few days ago a guy flashed me and tried stopping me on my bike (to molest me im sure)...i felt disgusted, but learned that even in Japan (where i am living now) there are losers.

    Every con has a pro in someway ^^ Now you know to maybe use a cookbook or only use well-trusted sources. ^^ Just remember, it was just banana bread. ^^
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hi, I'm looking for "chit-chat, fun and games".

    *walks out*
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Hi, I'm looking for "chit-chat, fun and games".

    *walks out*

    This is angry recipe rant time!!! :explode: