What Have I Done?!?



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Going to the gym at lunch is awesome! I do this just about every day and find it's a great way to break up the day and give me a boost of energy for the afternoon.

    Try to avoid the treats as much as possible - I know it's hard but you have to think of your health and wellbeing. How about buying a big bag of apples and oranges and have them on our desk and insist they take one every time they pass? :)
  • mmck1006
    mmck1006 Posts: 15 Member

    I'm faced with temptation at work too. The thing is not to deprive yourself. Have a treat, but cut if off. My co-worker brought delicious cupcakes to work earlier this week. As much as I love German chocolate, and wanted to have at least three lol, I stopped after one. This is major for me cause I absolutely love chocolate. But remember, your diligence will pay off. I'm just beginning my journey, and it takes practice, but very much possible. I think saying "no thanks" will get easier as time goes on. Stay strong, and stay on you journey, I know it's hard sometimes, but get back up, keep going. :)
  • marquesajen
    There's actually many things that are Mexican that you can eat that are quite healthy, unless we're talking "taco bell mexican". Beans and rice, cactus, pico de gallo, anything with veggies.

    Anywho, coworkers who like treats and eat alot: Become a master at saying "No, thank you". Say you're full, say you have a stomach ache, say you're allergic, whatever you have to do. Bring healthy snacks to keep you satiated, which means you'll be less tempted by sweets and crunchies. If conversations veer towards food, food, food try to steer them another direction by asking about their families, asking about something work related, whatever. Talk about how much you love working out, a great trail you want to go hiking at. You have as much right to be who you are there as they do!