Night time eating



  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Try eating a little later & lots of water ~
    Also try flling the void in htis time frame, Get to bed early (your body mind & soul will thank you) unwind in a hot bath with some candles & music, sit down to a favorite magazine or book, Pick up a crafty hobby, CHEW sugarless GUM, paint your nails, give yourself a new routine filled with facials, hair mask, whiten your teeth, watch something that motivates you Biggest loser (dvr), MTV I used to be fat, The health channel, Etc.,

    If you cant do any of those things then Im sure its salty, sweet cravings at this time so
    I have been having Skinny Cow/ Weight Watchers Ice cream (calories range so watch)
    Frozen red grapes, Veggie & dip (pre package them in a baggie so you dont consume too much) ,
    Sugar free Pudding/jello cups, (add fat free Whipped cream)
    Fresh fruit bowls
    Fruit smoothie, Crystal light smoothie, yogurt smoothies
    Chopped apples dipped in PB, ( watch the PB calories sugar fat)
    Pickles 0 calories has the salt & the crunch ~ MY FAV
    Air popped popcorn with hot pepper or garlic & parsely (have fun with flavor herbs)

    If its heart warming you need, then try Hot water with Lemon (helps detox ), sugar free hot chocolate (again add the fat free whipped cream if needed), Endless teas, Soup Broths (watch the sodium) , oatmeal packets ( lower calories ones) top it with fruit or nuts for substance. Some cereals are low in numbers, Protein bar, your own sugar free bakes.

    Overall try to retrain your brain & do something else. You will get used to it after a few days. I hope this gave you some ideas=)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Is eating dinner later an option? We never have dinner before 8 so snacking afterward is not a problem.
  • davistd1
    davistd1 Posts: 11 Member
    Great ideas... I think I need to try a combo of these. I have found that drinking extra water and eating dinner later helps. Thanks