Text message support buddies

Would anyone be interested in being text message buddies? By that, I mean when one of us is tempted or about to succumb to eating something we shouldn't, we can text message someone else to help us through it right then, on the spot. Would probably be better to be in the same time zone. My time zone is Central Time in the U.S.

If we had a few people who were doing this, then maybe at least one of us would be able to respond at any given time. I think this would help me greatly and I bet it would help others also.

Any takers?

You can respond here or send me a private message. THANK YOU!!!!

Michele :-)


  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    I would absolutely be up for it. Add me and I'll message you my number.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I honestly would like that a lot:):) Pleasure to meet you Michelle:):) I'm Robert:):):)
  • Chaosdrone
    add me and i will send you my number
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    One of my friends here suggested that awhile back!! It's such a great idea!!
  • michele0101
    Thanks!! I sent you a friend request.
  • michele0101
    Thanks, Robert. I sent you a friend request.
  • goelvira
    goelvira Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Michele, I would love this! I'm Elvira by the way ;-) I'll send you a friend request, Thanks!!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I would be interested in this as well...but I would really like everyone involved to check out my will power blog below and make up those lists, or at least the list of things you hate about being overweight. I suspect if I got a text from someone about a craving, one of the things I would respond with would be "please go read your list of things you hate about being overweight".

    with that in mind, let me know if you want me included in the group. I certainly have cravings at times (especially for the yummy, homemade oatmeal raisin cookies downstairs) and would benefit from someone setting me straight :)
  • michele0101
    Thanks everyone!! . Here's to hoping we can help save each other from giving in to those food cravings!!!!! I am particularly bad about sugary stuff.

    I work Monday thru Friday, 8-5, but I have my cell phone with me all the time and I have the MFP app on it.

    Good luck!!! We can do it!!!!!!
  • michele0101
    I will definitely check it out!!! Have to get to work now though. Thanks!!
  • michele0101
    Have to get to work now. I will check back periodically to see who I need to add. Feel free to add me as well. Thanks!!!
  • BlJohnston77
    BlJohnston77 Posts: 54 Member
    Oh I would love that. The more support the better for me. Add me and I can send you my number. I am new to this dieting routine so much help is needed!!!!:happy: