Fitness: Calorie Tracking?

I've noticed that the only calorie expenditures Fitness Pal calculates are those for cardio workouts. But what about my strength training? That burns calories too, so the log is inaccurate. After 45 minutes of a workout that was not cardio, the Fitness Pal calculator still says I need to burn another 1000 calories. What's up with that? Am I logging this info incorrectly on the exercise page?



  • malaika1981
    malaika1981 Posts: 49 Member
    I wondered the same thing myself! i do 120 squats and sometimes am more out of breathe from that then cardio ha ha
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
  • bluecollarfrench
    bluecollarfrench Posts: 344 Member
    You have to put that in the cardio section as well. It is not the most accurate but so far that is the only way they have to calculate it. I actually asked this question when I first started.
  • evanblove
    evanblove Posts: 82 Member
    You can add strength training under cardio to get it to track your calorie expenditure
  • soifua
    soifua Posts: 82
    in the cardio section search "strength training" it will come up, then you can log your minutes
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    If you have a bodybugg or some other device that can track your calorie burn, that might can manually enter your exercise... i usually do that for weight training AND my cardio... because there are always variants of how hard i pushed myself that day, a new instructor in class etc.... i think there is a cheaper one out there called the fitbit..and then there are heart rate monitors which i think some people use too... i have a bodymedia device which is the same as the rocks!

    It's going to be different for everyone thoguh, and even for the same workout with heavier weights etc... when i do 30-45 minutes of my ChaLEAN Extreme, which is weight training.....i generally get 120-160 calories from it.... The calories this site gives for it's cardio too seem to be a bit on the high side compared to my actual burn with the bodybugg...but it could also just be my particular body is very stubborn.. ;)