Do you get treated differently now that you lost a lot of we



  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Yes, a lot differently.

    At work, men are much more 'chivalrous'. It used to be if a guy was walking into the building before me, even if they saw me, they would just walk on through and let the door close. Now, they wait and hold the door open. Interesting...

    I agree completely. Lately I have noticed that more guys hold doors for me and stuff. I don't know if it's that I'm more attractive now or that people are just nice.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Huge difference! My face was the first to go too, but now, if I have too much sodium, I see it right away in my face, will have more of a double chin again just from sodium. So I think that's a big part of why there is such a loss in the face, plus the face is what we look at all the time on people, more so than the rest of the body, so it's going to be quite obvious there's loss their. But for most people it's definitely a huge loss, some are fortunate that they stay pretty slim in the face no matter the weight they put on. If there's a pic of them, of just the shoulders and face up, you wouldn't know they weighed 300, or something.
    "You can REALLY see the weight loss in your face". I thought to myself, what did I have a huge, round apple pie for a face?

    Check out this thread for my before and after pics. You can REALLY see it in my face though. :)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I have certainly noticed since I gained weight. People either ignore me altogether in many situations or are outrightly rude. I have only lost a little weight, but I've been dressing better and doing my face and hair more, and I've already noticed a change in people's responses to me. Looking forward to not being treated like a social pariah any more. It's sad, but I think it's true that people do judge by what they see on the outside. Good topic!

    I have also noticed a huge difference since I gained. When I was skinny, I felt like some sort of sex object wandering around. Now, I get ignored quite a bit, but I almost prefer it to the way I was treated when I was thinner.

    I am thinking that I will have to dress very conservatively when I lose the weight. That kind of sucks, because I would like to show off the results of how hard I worked, but at the same time, I don't want to be seen as an object again. I like to be recognized for my hard work and what I have to say rather than a body wandering around.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I have not lost enough weight yet to be noticable to others yet, but i have lost a significant amount in the past. What i found, is other female freinds do treat me a little different. Many were happy for me but there were quite some that actually seemed jealous and stayed a distance from me. It really hurt, but my weight loss is important to me so i just had to let it go. I expect the same results again, but at least it won't surprise me this time. That book seems like a good read. :wink:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
    I worry about this too. I have a coworker that constantly mumbles about how she hates beautiful women. I asked her if she is going to hate me too when I lose weight. She said yes. She likes to commiserate with me since we are currently almost the same size. I don't care for her comments, but she seems like she's stuck in her ways.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    It does happen but I think it's equal parts people being jerks and people responding to how I feel about myself. I've still got a ways to go but I'm healthier, happier, and making a point of dressing better now that I've lost weight and people pick up on that. I don't think it's fair to place the blame squarely on everyone else when a lot of it is people responding to my feelings about myself.
  • voodoomoocow
    voodoomoocow Posts: 60 Member
    I've always been overweight (180 in 8th grade). I went a little nuts in college and dropped down to 145. That only lasted for a year. I noticed the middle school bullies ran into me and the looks on their I relish it. I noticed when I gained most of it back, my lady friends were nicer to me and wanted to go out more. sigh.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    It's just sad that it's that way isn't it. It's sad that people are running around, so insecure about themselves because of weight, and are going to treat others poorly because of their weight. If they are going to judge it should definitely be based on their character. I hear a lot of people (usually guys) complain about fat white women and their attitude, but I know very heavy white women that have great hearts, and great attitudes, We just can't be judgmental like that. or shouldn't be anyways.
    I have not lost enough weight yet to be noticable to others yet, but i have lost a significant amount in the past. What i found, is other female freinds do treat me a little different. Many were happy for me but there were quite some that actually seemed jealous and stayed a distance from me. It really hurt, but my weight loss is important to me so i just had to let it go. I expect the same results again, but at least it won't surprise me this time. That book seems like a good read. :wink:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
    I worry about this too. I have a coworker that constantly mumbles about how she hates beautiful women. I asked her if she is going to hate me too when I lose weight. She said yes. She likes to commiserate with me since we are currently almost the same size. I don't care for her comments, but she seems like she's stuck in her ways.
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I guess I'm experiencing this backwards...I weighed around 120-125 (I'm 5'4- that's the ideal weight for my height) for quite awhile. I suddenly gained weight and have fluctuated between 150-165 for the past 2 years or so. The way people treated "skinny me" and "fat me" are 100% different. I've noticed that my close friends (who were probably jealous in the past) almost treat me better than they did when I was thin. Not that they were terrible or anything, but I'd get the classic "skinny jokes" when I was thin, and my coworkers at the time used to make fun of the overly nutritious food I brought for lunch. Now, they don't say anything about what I eat or my size. Strangers definitely treat me way differently- they were much nicer/friendlier/more open when I was thin. I also feel like I made friends with new people more quickly, and generally more well liked. Of course I got hit on 100x more as well- when I was that size guys would be falling all over themselves just to talk to me, and I have a pretty average looking face so it was obviously my small size they were attracted to. However, as others have said, I was very confident then as well so that probably contributed to people reacting to me more positively.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    What I've noticed is, I tend to get second glances more from women than before when I am healthier looking. Not that they come up to me and throw themselves at me but baby steps. I will take it. :)

    this., or maybe it''s cuz a 300+ lbs man is jogging and it's a scary sight. either way