starving at 1200 calories



  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    i have heard of alot of people having this problem!!! up your cals for a couple of weeks. keep close track and see what happens. i agree try 1400-1600. within 2 weeks you should see a difference if that is the case

    YES, but the 1600 might be too high. I'm telling you guys that my maintenance cals are 1660 and I'm at my goal weight of 135-135 (5'6"). You can't suggest a number to someone without knowing what MFP gives them in order to lose the lb/week. If I was NET 1600 during the months I was losing I would not have lost anything. Everyone is different.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    I work out 5-6 days a week, do not eat my excercise calories
    My Dr is now saying that 1200 calories does not mean a thing if you are nto eating the rigth calories and she thinks my body is in starvation mode...
    You answered your own question. EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    You already have a ton of good advice, but you're right, you are starving yourself at 1200 calories. Eat more GOOD foods, eat whole, eat raw, you cannot overeat on fresh raw veggies.

    Have oatmeal with protein in the morning, a spinach salad with turkey/egg and cheese, nuts and seeds (calorie-dense!! it's NOT rabbit food!), and a balanced dinner with 4oz lean meat, quinoa or whole grain rice, a steamed veggie.

    Get lots of protein, yogurt, cottage cheese, lean meats, protein powders, nuts, eggs, whole grains.

    Obese or not, losing weight will happen if you just track what you eat, don't OVEReat, and move.... move every day, whether it's walking, doing strength exercises, or some form of cardio (even light jump rope or elliptical). I would say watch that your calories dont' go OVER a certain amount, like 2200, and that the calories you do get are good ones. :) Don't starve yourself girl.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    What is your curren weight and goal weight?
    What is your activit level?

    1200 sounds way too low if you onyl have 20lbs to go --- you settings should be to lose 1/2 lb a week at that point.

    1200 is too low for most people but for some reason people think it's some magic number

    ** EDIT and wow at all the people giving you other numbers wihout even knowing your stats.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    You will not STARVE yourself at 1200 NET calories.

    For me, I was 1260.

    Let's say it was a day I burned 500.

    I actually ATE 1,760 on those days. Show me someone that's starving at 1,760. I was eating every 2-3 hours and eating healthy whole foods and not a lot of processed foods.

    If you are starving at 1200 chances are you're taking in LESS than 1200 NET. Even at 1/2 hour on the elliptical would bring you BELOW the 1,200 NET.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    cant see your diary..but DONT DRINK YOUR CALORIES

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with drinking your calories.

    I drink 2-3 proten shakes a day and they keep me feeling full all day.
    I cant imagine NOT drinking them.
  • lovebug7686
    lovebug7686 Posts: 8 Member
    make your dairy visible, then we can accurately *kitten* what your nutrients are. My baby is 21 months, and I was 180 lbs after giving birth (c-section and breastfeed too), by July 2010 I was 135lbs. It comes down to nutrients type and not overestimating your fodd and exercise.

    Not sure how I do that (still really new to this site)...I tend to have to do cardio workouts because I cannot for the life of me figure out how to hit 1200 calories and stay under on carbs and protein. It seems if I hitmy calories I am WAY over on carbs and protein and if I stay under my carb and protein I am WAY under on calories. I do eat a lot of veggies, fruits (yikes the carbs) and I salads. I was 211 pounds when my daughter was born. I am down to 156 but I would like to get back to 145 where my body is comfortable and a size 6. I am a curvy girl (blessed with the hourglass shape) so I have never been at the 125 goal weight set by the Dr. I once got to 127 after being relaly sick and I was a siz 0 and looked like I was on my death bed. So I am happy to get to 145 and be healthy...
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Please don't feel guilty about eating fruit. I once saw a scientist say "show me someone that got diabetes from too many strawberries and I'll eat my hat"
  • lovebug7686
    lovebug7686 Posts: 8 Member
    Be sure that you are actually eating what you are listing. DO NOT estimate what one cup or one easpoon is. Do it right and you will loose guaranteed. Most likely you are not accurately reporting what you are eating.

    I measure EVERYTHING and I usually over estimate when I track. My husband thinks I am a measuring spoon/cup freak! LOL I don't even let him prepare my lunch for me any more because he guestimates what 2 TBS of dressing for my salad looks like. I make sure I am getting the right serving sizes.
  • hippotx72
    i'm 42 years old, 5'2 and weigh 220 lbs.

    I lost 27 lbs -and gained back 23 when i stopped doing this:

    1. 1500 calories a day
    2. no pop, not even diet
    3. took the sugar out of my coffee, then the cream was skim milk and now its just green tea in the morning.
    4. 5-6 SERVINGS of fruits and veggies a day
    5. 3 litres of water a day
    6. 3 servings (4-6oz) of lean protein a day.
    7. no more boxed frozen crap. it's real or no deal.
    8. the usual - no white stuff - rice, pasta, bread are at a minimum (1-2 servings a day ) and are ALWAYS whole wheat/brown etc.
    9. moved my *kitten*.
    10. stopped mentally beating the crap out of myself.

    Hope this helps you !!

    I like this advice, and I'm not even the one who posed the original question! Thanks!

    Also, to the original poster---how does anyone survive on 1200 calories a day??? That was the only thing I wasn't crazy about on MFP--their suggested calorie goals--way too few for me! I looked to several other sources, and figured out how much I really needed, and then custom-set my calorie goal here. I'm glad the site allows that option. So far, it's working nicely. When I've lost some, I will re-calculate and go from there. Best of luck--hang in there! =)
  • lovebug7686
    lovebug7686 Posts: 8 Member
    What is your curren weight and goal weight?
    What is your activit level?

    1200 sounds way too low if you onyl have 20lbs to go --- you settings should be to lose 1/2 lb a week at that point.

    1200 is too low for most people but for some reason people think it's some magic number

    ** EDIT and wow at all the people giving you other numbers wihout even knowing your stats.

    My current weight is 156 and my goal weight is 145
    I go for a 45 minute high paced run/walk every day. I sprint every 15 mins. I try to do weight training 3 times a week but it depends on the kids activites if I can get to the gym or not. If I can't I do floor workout at home with the hubby (planks, push ups, mountain climbers etc). I also do a bike ride twice a week with my 28 pound toddler on the back. When I walk/run I am pushing her in a jogging stroller or I have my 100 pound Great Pyr with me. So I know my body is challenged....I am pretty sore after. I also walk for 30 mins at work on breaks 2 times a day...
  • kidsmoke
    kidsmoke Posts: 10 Member
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I would say if you log every workout and NET 1,200-1,300 you should not be hungry at all.

    You are pretty close to where I was when I started MFP and I was NET 1,260 as I mentioned.

    As an example, if you are burning 200-300 calories/workout you should be at 1,500 cals in food taken in to NET the 1200 with a 300 calorie burn thrown in.

    So, if you think about it that way you're not REALLY only taking in 1200 on that particular day it would be 1500. If you are eating healthy whole foods and eating every 2-3 hours and taking in 1500 NET (after a 300 calorie burn) you should not be hungry.

    If you are not NET 1200 and you're not Meeting that goal of 1200 and you're actually falling below it with that workout thrown in of course you're going to be hungry.
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    as a newly diagnosed diabetic I have been put on 1200 calories for over a year now. At first I lost 60 like heated butter...just melted off then I hit a plateau and started eating my exercise calories=Net but that didnt help either so I upped my calories gained 15 lbs back and am now going back to 1200. Its really not hard to do if you eat lots of low fat proteins, high fiber and fruit and veggies. its very balanced and clean. I love salted trailmix! good luck!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I can't believe I did not ask this sooner.

    What does MFP tell you your calories/day should be in order to lose 1lb/week??
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    1200 calories should be mostly protein or you will starve
  • kidsmoke
    kidsmoke Posts: 10 Member
    I can't believe I did not ask this sooner.

    What does MFP tell you your calories/day should be in order to lose 1lb/week??

    The better question. What is your BMR? Go to Tools - BMR calculator.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    1200 calories should be mostly protein or you will starve

    Do you have a source? My daily intake of 1,260 NET was a good healthy, balanced mix. Lots of whole foods, fruits and veggies. Typically I would have protein with every meal. I was anything but starving. Of course, I was taking in more than 1,260 in food and burning 300-500 calories/day with whatever activity I was doing.

    My diet was not "mostly protein" and still is not "mostly protein"...just curious where you get this information. I eat a nice balanced mix.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Don't worry about going over on your proteins - that's not going to be bad for you unless you're going WAY over. In fact, it may help muscle recovery/building as you keep being active.
    ETA: In fact, protein will likely help keep you fuller longer.

    As far as carbs go, this may not be a popular opinion but I feel the same way about carbs as I do about sugars. I don't worry about them too much if they're from natural, more whole sources like fruits and veggies and whole grains and/or if you're getting a good amount of fiber (assuming you're not carb sensitive and need to limit them).

    And definitely eat back your exercise caloires. Your body needs that fuel!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Get a heart rate monitor to better measure your calories expended. You are measuring what you ingest, you should accurately measure the other part of the Net Calorie equation. Polar FT7 or better an FT40.

    Change your goal to 1 pound per week. Aim to lose 6-8 before the new year. Count everything ingested and expended, log religiously. If that goal gives you 1,400 per day, aim for that weekly average. Don't sweat being over or under on a daily basis, just get the weekly number. I've seen people sub-consciously mess up their logging because they want so desperately to hit their numbers every day. Logging accurately is more important.

    Be prepared to gain weight the first week of this. Maybe two. Then you should go back to even with no changes after the first month. You are probably not burning the calories you think you are. You will know with an HRM. Be prepared to extend your workouts to burn enough calories to eat 1,700 per day. That means you need to burn 2,100 per week. This would increase your eating by 500 per day average.

    If you experience what I've described, gaining, then losing... you were likely in "famine mode". If you gain, gain, and gain, you weren't .

    Give it a month, and you will know more. Ask again then.