Dreaded Plateau

So I have been consistently logging into MFP since 8/19/11, eating my calorie goal and burning my calorie goal! Safe to say I have almost lost 20lbs. However, for the past week my weight has been stuck. Is 2 months in too soon to plateau? I am just beginning to nail this running thing down, and even switch between the elliptical. Should I lessen my calories or increase my workout?


  • masterfitness4u
    My first response when I client tells me this is, "Let me see your diary" And yes you may have to alter the exercises you do so you don't do the same thing for every week. Mix it up. Run 2 miles one time, then run interval training the next(30 sec sprint.60sec rest for 20 min and add some time each time you do it. That with good eating, will get the weigth off :) Have a great workout day.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    since you are fairly new, a week plateau is NOTHING..i plateaued all of september..dont panic yet..you are just starting, but 20 lbs in 2 months is fantastic..how much more are you looking to lose ?
  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    If possible, change what you do during your workouts or at least increase the intensity. This should help. Plus, you haven't noticed a change for la last week, it's not that much. Don't panic.

    If things don't change, you can have a cheat day when you can eat at your maintenance calories or you can try to do low-carb for 1-2 weeks. See how it goes.
  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    i went to look at your diary and saw youre in RI - just like me :D

    yes, any time youi can plateau. switch up exercise routines. switch up your calorie intake. your body is probably used to X amount of eating.

    ALSO, what i seem to forget sometimes is when your weight lowers here on MFP, MFP will NOT recalculate your calories for you so you need to go into settings and just hit update goals and it will recalculate your nubmers. you might be eating too many now for your weight loss.

    i hope that helps!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Eat as cleanly as possible.

    Log every bite, every workout.

    Meet your calorie goals on MFP, don't fall below them.

    If you fall below that goal you have set to lose 1lb/week on a regular basis that is not following the program. If you meet your goals and lose that 1lb/week you are more likely to keep that weight off for good.

    Here's what worked for me: 1260 NET, working out each day 300-500 calories. If I could not fit in a class at the gym I would do something else active. I always took in more calories than 1260 but at the end of the day my NET was at that or a little above, but never below.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    since you are fairly new, a week plateau is NOTHING..i plateaued all of september..dont panic yet..you are just starting, but 20 lbs in 2 months is fantastic..how much more are you looking to lose ?

    I started 6 days later than you and you did twice as well as me! Great job! But I know the plateau thing is scary and I am in the same boat myself. I second what everyone else said - consider your nutrition. And yes mixing up exercise is supposed to be great. May I ask what you are doing to lose the 20 lbs in a month! That is fantastic! Go you!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I think it's only considered a plateau if it lasts longer than four weeks. So keep at it, switch some things up and the scale should get moving again soon. :smile:
  • Metsfn4life
    Metsfn4life Posts: 125 Member
    I'm on the same boat. I hit my pleateau a couple of weeks ago. I started loggin mid-July and lost 12 lbs. By mid-September the scale was no longer budging.

    I took a deep breath, started zig-zagging calories (one day 1300, the next 1600, then back down to 1300), and kicked it up a notch with my work-outs (trying new things). After a week...I was half a pound lighter.

    I don't care how much I lose as long as it's going down.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    one week =/= plateau.

    If it were me I'd not change anything just yet.
  • jhnye85
    jhnye85 Posts: 35 Member
    Amazing feedback - thank you! So maybe this isnt a real plateau yet, and I have no intention of slowing down! Unfortunately, I have to stick to a pretty consistent routine - 30 minutes of cardio on my lunch break, either elliptical or running. I add sit-ups, bench dips and free weights in there too. In an effort to switch things up, I go hiking on the weekends and bought Just Dance 2 for the Wii.

    I am looking forward to trying the interval running - sounds challenging. Only 22lbs left until I reach my first goal weight. Thank you again everyone for your support!