activity level?

Just curious what other people with my "job" set as their MFP activity level. I'm a SAHM of a 2 yr old and a 7 month old.


  • newmrswood
    I think I'm set at the lowest level. I sit all day! I drive an hour and fifteen minutes to work, work 8 hours, and drive an hour and fifteen minutes back. I'm a secretary so it's all pretty much computer stuff
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    ugh- 2.5 hours of driving a day?? That is crazy! I set mine at "sedentary" even though I run after 2 kids all day... I do this because, though I try, I'm not always careful about measuring everything... so I figure that the "sedentary" activity level will help balance it out.
  • cjfitness
    Mine was set to sedentary, but since I have committed to, at the very least, 30 mins of "actual" exercise time per day (as opposed to running after the kids), I'm set to mildly active.