7 week plateau? come onnnn



  • frugalmomsrock
    i am just so torn with eating more (which i think i have been doing anyway since i have no motivation) or eating 1200 and under??? and yes i agree with the sodium thing, but i drink about 32 oz of water, not counting all the diet coke i drink

    so now that i only have 15 lbs left i should change it to 1/2 a lb a week??

    Uh, diet coke is not water.. and is pretty detremential to weight loss because of all sweetners.. they tend to make people pretty bloated. So I'd cut it out completely if I was you.

    All through out my journey I kept my loss around a pound to half a pound, and have never had any issues. You need to be eating more(but more healthy things) to keep the weightloss moving. Maybe half a pound is too much but 1200 is too little, so you set it somewhere in the middle and see how that goes. That's what I did, and it worked pretty well for me.

    This is completely not true. Diet Coke is PRIMARILY water and has no calories -- only sodium. Many people don't give a crap about artificial sweeteners and have no issues with them. Read some of the links in my signature. There are definitely healthier options but it most definitely counts as fluids for the day.

    Not giving a crap doesn't make them healthy alternatives. Just sayin'.



