
I need suggestions. I've been stuck at the same weight for three months. Now, I am starting to gain weight again. I am 40 pounds away from my goal; but I seem to be unable to stop going over my daily calorie goal. I went on a vacation two months ago and since then I have not been able to regain my momentum. My workout and my diet are all over the place. I Lost 63 pounds since February but now I am really struggling.


  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    Well your calorie goal could be too low or you could be choosing high calories foods that don't fill you up. As far as being all over the pkacee, you need to work on will power. Remember your goals and how good the healthy lifestyle makes you feel.
  • kitkatkait
    kitkatkait Posts: 87 Member
    First of all, congrats! 63 lbs is amazing!

    I was having similar issues with plateauing and weight gain (but it didn't take me as long to get them - I only lost 4lbs and then started gaining it all back and more on a 1300 calorie diet! talk about depressing...)

    The only thing that worked for me was intermittent fasting. it's a lot easier than it sounds (you don't even get hungry), and it's based on scientific research. I lost 5 lbs last week after not being able to lose any for over a month! I'm sure I've lost even more this week and I'm so excited to weight in. I've never felt so healthy :)

    there have been a few really long threads on here about intermittent fasting, too, if you're curious.

    Good luck! <3