Today is hard

candicejn Posts: 458 Member
edited October 2024 in Motivation and Support
I just had a mental battle with myself in front of the cabinet, thinking I wanted to eat but realizing I only have 400 calories left for the day and it's only 3:45. I literally teared up, I'm so incredibly frustrated that I have such a hard time with this! I didn't eat anything, I just poured a glass of water, but still. Why is this so hard for me?

Not sure I really expect an answer, I just needed to put this down somewhere. Ugh.


  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Today has been hard for me too. I over ate for breakfast and am having a rough time waiting it out for my tiny little dinner... Just stay strong! Drink water to keep you full and try to do other things to keep your mind off food. <3
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Likewise... I'll just be glad when this day is over.
  • flamegirl72
    flamegirl72 Posts: 143 Member
    Have you thought about going for a nice long walk? Might help you clear your head and gain some perspective on a tough you will burn some calories which will give you a bit more for supper or for a snack later :)
  • Malinsfeet
    Malinsfeet Posts: 12 Member
    I agree! I ran 5 miles Tuesday - no stopping - at a pace of 10min 09s/mile and today during my 3 mile run I had to walk four times lol. Its just one of those days. Tomorrow will be better esp. after you conquer today!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    Fridays are always hard(er) for me because they are my scheduled rest days. So, I have to really pre-plan so that I do not go over on my cals.
    Good luck. I understand the frustration. hang in there!
  • bhawkins0711
    bhawkins0711 Posts: 92 Member
    Just keep you head up. Today might be hard but tomorrow is another day. This is NOT easy so don't beat yourself up about it!!!!
  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    I'm sorry to hear that do something that will take your mind off the whole situation go for a walk or throw on your favorite movie. The mind is extremely powerful and if this is something you truly want to succeed at you will make it happen. Stretch your calories as far as you can for the rest of the day salads with cut up grilled chicken. Don't get discouraged nothing of value comes without handwork this is simply just a small roadblock to your goal you can do it!!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    well.. I try not to be so rigid. I'm not a rigid person anyway. IF I go over one day, try harder the next. You're not going to eat perfectly every day, NOBODY does, not even gwyneth paltrow.
    Stop being so hard on yourself and if you're hungry, eat. Eat some fruit or something. If you're feeling hungry, your body wants something- listen to your body, NOT some chart on a wall.
    It's about doing the best YOU can, NOT what others expect. It's not a race or a contest. Give yourself time and some leeway. IF you want to eat something fattening, work out for a half hour and EAT IT!

    Have fun and relax! It's a new life, not a punishment
  • dee0423
    dee0423 Posts: 17 Member
    I have learned never to deprive myself. If I am hungry I eat...BUT the key is that you have to train yourself to make better choices of what you grab out of that cabinet. It's a day to day process. Take your time..take a something with lower calories. There are some fabulous websites out there that have healthy atlernatives for cravings and stuff :) We are all in this together..learning everyday.
  • Afaida
    Afaida Posts: 142 Member
    OMG feeling the same way today. Actually foraged in the cupboard for chocolate that I'd bought way back in July before this whole thing got started. Luckily I found a fibre 1 bar that my hubby had purchased. Grabbed it with both hands, turned around and saw the apple that I had already logged in but hadn't eaten. Loosened my hold on the Fibre 1 bar, picked up the apple and literally gobbled it down. The bar is still sitting beside me on the desk but guess what ...the craving has actually gone away.
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    I wouldn't be so hard on myself except that this is my first week and I REALLY want this to work. In the past, one day of letting myself eat a little more became 2 days and 3 days, etc and then I was off completely. I have a 30 min workout planned for later and a 200 cal dinner of vegetable soup on the menu for dinner. That will leave me room for popcorn later.

    I just really need this to work. I cannot be obese anymore.
  • Robinkinchen
    Robinkinchen Posts: 39 Member
    Over eating one day, or one meal doesn't have to lead to more. That may have been what you did before, but you have the power to write a different story. This is a journey that is going to last a lifetime, and it is not an all or nothing situation. I am not saying to over eat. Bit think about it and if you are truly hungry maybe you should have a snack and if you go over today, start fresh tomorrow. You do have the power, and you can do this!
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