no time for exercise.....

a few days ago i logged in 40 days in a row... but i haven't lost a pound.....i have no time for exercise...every day exams at school...i eat a lot sweets,junk food,,...and there is no time for exercise...please give me some advice how to organise my time to do exercises.....???


  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    Surely you can find 20 minutes in a day for yourself. You deserve it. There are many DVD's available or even YouTube videos with 20 minute exercise routines you could follow. Just do it! :flowerforyou:
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    you didn't give us a lot to go with, so I'll just refer you to my workout blog below. it has ideas for short, efficient, good work-outs you can do at home with little or no equipment.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    If exercise is important to you then you will make time. Try working out in the am before classes? Or squeeze in something quick during the day or at night. Doesn't have to be a lot. Maybe like 20-30 minutes

    the junk food probably isn't helping you either :/
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Stop making excuses. Sorry it's true, somewhere someone busier than you found a way to get 30 min of exercise in. You don't need to work out 90 min a day to lose weight. If you have your lifestyle set properly (meaning you don't say lightly active if you aren't really and should be at sedentary) you CAN lose some weight without exercising by staying within your calories. Get close to eating them all, don't short change yourself either.

    Log food, cut out the junk, pack a lunch.

    I'm a mom, a wife, a nursing student and I FIND 30 min to workout, I MUST find it. If I have time to watch TV, or be here, or facebook etc I have 30 min to take a walk.
  • corinneselene
    corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
    For starters, you may want to cut down on some of the junk food. Adding whole grain, fruit, and veggies will give you the energy to want to find the time in the day. I have a full time job and am a full time student so I understand how difficult it can be. Walking around in between classes, take the stairs instead of elevators, find a exercise buddy in your class. They may be able to motivate you to make the right choices at lunch and find the time that you think you don't have. You will notice that taking time for yourself and your body will help at school too! Also, find some friends on MFP to check in with. We can be friends.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    you can always make time. I'm sure there are 10 minutes where you can go for a brisk walk or something. maybe wake up earlier, sleep later?

    stop eating the won't lose if you keep eating sweets. every once in a hwile it's ok but try to limit the intake.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    a few days ago i logged in 40 days in a row... but i haven't lost a pound.....i have no time for exercise...every day exams at school...i eat a lot sweets,junk food,,...and there is no time for exercise...please give me some advice how to organise my time to do exercises.....???

    If you log in and blow up your calorie allowance, I'm surprised you haven't gained much less lost.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Even five minutes at a time between classes will add up. 50 jumping jacks here, some butterflies there......and you are exercising. Getting a handle on your food choices will help a ton, too!
  • ElementalMoe
    ElementalMoe Posts: 186 Member
    It's about making yourself a priority. I'm a single mom who works full-time and runs her own business, yet I still make eating healthy and getting exercise a priority.

    Even when I was in school, and in class from 9am - 7 or 8 at night, I still managed to go wall climbing fairly regularly.

    It sounds to me like you're making excuses instead of doing something about it. Wake up earlier if you must.

    If you plan out your days, and you log your time, you should be able to find 30 minutes a day to exercise.
  • trilikeagirl
    We make time for the things that are important to us when we are ready to do them. Don't stress if you're not ready yet. Pre planning will help you cut out the junk food, and doesn't really take much time.
  • Getting_Fit_4_Life
    Getting_Fit_4_Life Posts: 401 Member
    You have to find time! I get up at 5:00 to get my workout in. This way, I know it's done and I can go about my day. I am a mother of 4, a wife, a business owner and a Master of Social Work student. I have to make time for myself to better my health. You have to find at least 30 minutes a day to work on YOU.
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    It's great that you've logged on for that long, but are you tracking accurately? are you actually holding yourself accountable. This website isn't a miracle worker.. it's a tool!

    as far as the exercise goes... DUH ! sorry but DUH. you have to help yourself before I can feel bad for you :)
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    a) get rid of junk food- try fruit or veggies
    b) try doing little things- parking at the back of the parking lot- take stairs-if walking take the long way home
    c)plan your food ahead and bring snacks so you are not tempted by junk food
    d) drink more water
    e) make a routine and stick with it
    f) stop making excuses.:explode:

    *something as simple as a wii workout goes a long way, or a walk

    the healthier you get the more energy you will have... and the more often you do these things the easier it will get. :bigsmile:
  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    I'm sorry to say, but at this moment in time, your problem is not the lack of exercise, but what you're eating (the junk you mentioned). Remember that losing weight is 20% exercise and 80% what you eat!
    So you need to clean your diet first and only then will you see the numbers going down. Don't blame this on the lack of exercise.
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    First of all, cut out the junk food. And make it a first priority to make time for yourself to exercise.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    (Prepare yourself - there may be some 'not so nice' responses to this.)

    You have to get serious about it. Logging for 40 days is a great start - so now you can see your eating habits. Now fix them.

    Remove the sweets / junk food. Replace this with fruits, veggies, nuts. Even in a dorm room... fruits and nuts will keep well. I'm not saying I never eat junk food... just reduce it.

    I understand a hectic schedule. I used to make all kinds of excuses. I have a husband, 3 children, a full time job, and I am currently working on completing my bachelor's degree.

    Now - I work out 6 days a week. Not huge, crazy workouts every day. 3 days I walk for about 40 minutes total AND do Zumba for an hour. The other 3 days I only do the two 20 minute walks.

    My point... no matter your schedule - it can be done. You just have to make time for it.

    Best wishes!
  • tro1984
    You say you're eating a bunch of sweets.... why? If you're trying to lose weight, that should be the first thing you lose. Also you might need to reduce your calorie count.
  • thinktink78
    Hi...I have to agree with the other folks here...I have two kids, 10 and 2, full time job, and go to school part time. Plus on top of that son is in football, baseball, tae kwon do and now has joined the band. I work out every day except Sundays. I refuse to work out sundays... :-) It is hard no doubt, you have to want to do it. If, and I have to say absolutely if you can not work out, then you need to definitely keep an eye on your calorie intake. I get up every morning at 4:30 and workout. Whether it's 20 min to an hour...that's my time. That's when I am least to get interrupted, I can workout as hard as I can. It takes a lot of discipline but can be done. And there are times I dont get to bed till midnight...but I know how good I feel after and it was worth it. Also, for your junk food...we have nothing but junk food at work...candy everywhere...I have made the choice to buy 100 calorie pack snacks or fiber when I want something I want to eat that 130 calorie peanut butter snickers thats gone in one bite? Or do I want to eat a bag of 100 calorie pack cookies or a 120 calorie Fiber plus bar? That's the way you have to look at it. Stock up on fruit and throw that stuff in your will feel so much better. I have been working out for a while then fell off after my daughter was born then jumped back on...but I can honestly say that with the help of this app, I have seen tremendous results. I have been logging in for 50 days in a row...I have lost 8lbs. I am 8lbs away from my goal I set myself...that's not to say I have more to lose...but it's worth it and it works. I hope this has helped. :-) You also have to find a workout regime that fits your lifestyle. Whether it be tony horton's 10 min trainer or something...maybe that's what you should try? Go to and order the 10 min's 10 min a can fit that in your day anytime...:-) yes, I am a beachbody coach... :-) just started but absolutely love it! Or even if you walk to your classes...try parking far from your classes and walk those extra steps. It will totally make a difference. Good luck to you!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    What others have said - make time. Start with something small & work your way up. You will eventually find you look forward to - and need your workout.

    10 Minute Solution DVDs are great (each has 5-10 minute workouts) - do 1 workout a day ..... then build from there. has lots of free workouts - many are short. I do Cardio Slim Down sometimes during my lunch hour (at work) ... it's only 20 minutes. This is low impact ...... works in a dorm setting.
  • Sebnem123
    Sebnem123 Posts: 123 Member
    yes...but when i am first shift i get up at 6.30 and go to bed at 12.00 a.m. i am in school from 7.30 to 2.p.m. Sometimes when i have so much homework i start doing my homework as soon as i get back from school....believe you or not i don't have time to get rest from school, i only eat i study....