Annoyed.....Then again it was my own fault.

We are having a biggest loser competition at the elementary school and so far for the past 3 weeks I have been down 2-3lbs well this week I ate a moonpie and gave in to a maple glaze donut bar. We weigh in every friday in the morning so I was up 14 ounces. I blame it on the donut and moonpie even though I didn't go over my calorie intake. I did work out everyday this week except for today since I had to go on a field trip with my 5 year old.

My question is I usually don't cave in to these cravings but it got the best of me this time. Do you think I need to change up my workout since I have been walking on the treadmill at 3-4.0 with an incline of 7.0%-10.5% I change it around from 30-45mins everyday and do the bike for 20 mins. Do you think I should add strength training to this too. I need to lose 20lbs and I am at 198 right now.

Thanks everyone! I <3 MFP