Calorie Burn Calculator

I found this website, but how reliable is it?

What tools do you use to calculate your burn? I was thinking about investing in a watch or arm band, but don't want to spend a lot of money (maybe no more than $25).

Any suggestions?



  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    I use an HRM and that's going to be your best bet. I paid $42 for mine but it doesn't have a chest strap so it's not 100% accurate, but it's close.

    Look around for HRMs, I'm sure you can find one for around $30, don't know if you'll find one much cheaper than that.

    Hope I helped!
  • Heart rate monitor.

    You can probably get a used one. Only buy from Pay Pal customer as Pay Pal guarantees no scamming.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Get a heart rate monitor - WITH a chest strap -- otherwise don't bother. You may as well just continue guessing.
    Do a search on for a Polar FT4 -- thats probably the cheapest with a chest strap that is good quality.

    No website is going to give you accurate numbers.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I found this website, but how reliable is it?

    What tools do you use to calculate your burn? I was thinking about investing in a watch or arm band, but don't want to spend a lot of money (maybe no more than $25).

    Any suggestions?


    Just as an FYI -- this site estimates my typical hour of high impact cardio at about 100 more calories than I actually burn.
    It doesn't ask for your age, gender, weight or anything else -- so it can't possibly be too accurate.
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I used a HRM with chest strap, I love mine. I than take my average heart rate and duration and use this site's calculator where you plug in your age, sex, weight and VO2 max. If you don't know your VO2 max than put down 35, otherwise down below is a link to 3 ways of measuring it-it's very important in knowing how many calories you burn acurately.

    Calculator (Do not put 0 for VO2 max otherwise it will overestimate calories burned, put down 35 if you don't know it; this is calcualtor based on calculation many many sites will give you to use to calculate calories burned based on average Heart Rate):

    Link to HRM with Strap that I go, it's only $36.54 with free 5-8 day shipping on amazon:

    How to Measure/Figure Out VO2 Max:
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I put in my workout from today the calculator on the website had me at 1171 calories burned, my hrm with chest strap had me at 1325 calories burned. The only thing I couldn't find on the calculator was arc trainer, so I used elliptical. I figured it was the closest thing to it.