sissamae Posts: 232 Member
edited October 4 in Success Stories
Ok...tonight I went to Hoss's with my best friend and all 4 of our boys. This is the first time that I was out to dinner with her and the first time out to eat since really starting to seriously watch what I eat and exercise. I was looking at the menu and I REALLY wanted to get a burger and fries or a steak or the chicken smothered in bacon and cheese. I even said to my friend that I was "going to be bad". I had a really stressful afternoon and just wanted to "take a break" from all my hard work and "I deserved it", which is what I was telling myself in my head.

However, when I got to the register to order, I COULDN'T do it!!! I ordered the lean portion of the chicken and baked potato plain with water. I got a salad but only chose veggies and a light dressing with some egg and a few croutons. I did get a wheat roll with the salad, and when the dinner came they had placed a blob of butter on the potato and the chicken breast was breaded and I chose to eat ranch dressing with the buffalo chicken. I took the butter off and ate the chicken anyway. I was so full when I was done I thought I was going to be sick!!! I realized that I had over done it. I should have stopped sooner and realized I was full.

I was so upset with myself and felt like I had truly failed. I convinced myself that I wasn't going to even put the meal into MFP because I couldn't bear to see how far I went over my daily allowance.

Then, I got on MFP and started reading through the success stories and realized that I needed to stay committed to the path that I had started and the only way I am going to learn and do better is to track what I am doing. So, I entered in every thing that I ate and I only went over my daily calories by a couple hundred!!!! I thought it was going to be waaaayyyyy over and I was wrong! If I wouldn't have had the ranch dressing with my chicken I would have been UNDER my goal! My sodium was extremely high and it showed me that I really need to NOT eat out for that very reason. Also, I have learned that I can eat out and be ok as long as I track it!

While I ate past the point of feeling full, I had actually admitted what I ate! Admitting what I eat has been a big problem for me in the past, even when I was on WW. I always felt guilty about what I ate and just wouldn't track it. It was almost like if I don't track it then it didn't happen...Hopefully this NSV makes sense to some of you.


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