Need help staying on track

Hi, I am 21 years old and I recently put on 40 pounds because of PCOS, school and Medical School Application process. I always get motivated to start but within a week I end up going to my old ways. A few weeks into school and I start eating when midterm stress begins. I skip gym because everything else seems to take priority. I have never been skinny but I was fit. For once, I want to take charge of my life and be able to look in the mirror without feeling ashamed. I don't want to feel guilty every time I eat. I need some friends to keep me motivated and help me get my health and my self-esteem back. I have never been able to admit my problem. So here it goes.
I am 21 and I am very overweight. I want to lose weight in a healthy manner no matter how long it takes.
Starting Weight: 183 Pounds
Goal Weight: 130 Pounds
Height 5 ft. 6 inches
I would appreciate any support/motivation.


  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    I'm the same, i always start out with good intentions but then i get sick of eating healthy and just want a burger, then instead of getting back on track the next day i just go back to my old habits. I am starting out with little goals that are achievable. Like walking 5 times a week, no matter for how long as long as i get out of the house with the sole intention of exercising. Plus eating 1300 calories a day. My ultimate weightloss goal is 20 kgs but I am doing little weightloss goals as well, focusing at first on 5 kg's and re assessing when i reach each one. I have only been dieting for about 3 weeks but i have lost a few kg's already. I reached my first little goal.

    Try not to think about it as a big task but just one day at a time, then you can look back on your week and see how you went.